Page 27 - LRCC June 2021 Focus
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                                                     the Year. The Michigan Department of Education   Laws, a student from Maple  Valley, and the
                       Make                          organizes the teacher of the year program to honor   Criminal Justice program also received awards.
                                                     and elevate the teacher’s voice.
                                                                                                 Established in 1990 by  Lake Michigan Credit
           BIG THINGS                                                                            Union (LMCU), the  annual Lloyd F. Hutt
                                                                                                 Scholarship essay contest provides local high school
                 happen for                                                                      $2,000 college scholarships.  This scholarship
                                                                                                 seniors with the opportunity to win one of twenty

              your business                                                                      program honors the legacy of LMCU founder,
                                                                                                 Lloyd F. Hutt, and his lifelong commitment to
                                                                                                 education and community involvement. Local
                                                                                                 recipients include  Annie Garcia, Okemos High
                                                                                                 School, and Yzabella Lab, Lakewood High School.

                                                                                                 Nine distinguished alumni of the Michigan State
                                                                                                 University (MSU) College of Engineering were
                                                     LAFCU’s response  to  the  pandemic  has  earned   honored at a virtual ceremony to celebrate the 2021
                                                     national recognition. LAFCU won a 2021 CUNA   Alumni Awards. Among the alumni recognized was
                                                     Diamond Gold Award in the new category of   Christman Constructors, Inc. President, Douglas
                                                     crisis management, added due to the pandemic.   J. Peters, who received the Civil and Environmental
                                                     The  awards  program  recognizes  excellence  in   Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award. Peters
                                                     credit union marketing and business development   oversees all operations for Christman Constructors,
                                                     nationwide. LAFCU’s entry, Never  Waste a   Inc. and has provided pivotal leadership on the most
                                                     Crisis, details the credit union’s actions during   complex and technical projects in the company’s
                                                     the pandemic surrounding three key components:   portfolio. Peters has also used his engineering skills
                                                     protecting the health of employees and members,   and knowledge to tackle the industry-wide labor
                                                     helping members survive financially, and assisting   shortage challenge by developing CopperWorks ,
                                                     the community.                              a patent-pending human resource leveling iOS
                                                                                                 application, which earned the Associated General
                                                                                                 Contractors of America 2020 Innovation Award.

                  Whether you’re new to
                                                     Lansing Community College  newspaper  The
               business or positioning your                                                      Celebrating Sparrow Carson Hospital’s Caregiver of the Quarter are (left to
                                                     Lookout has captured a prestigious prize for student
             company for future growth, CASE         journalism. Despite having an inexperienced staff   right)  Mark Brisboe, Sparrow Carson Hospital President; award recipient
                                                                                                 Megan Obermiller; and  Monte Malek, Chief Nursing Officer.
                Credit Union has a business          during the entry period of April 1, 2019, through
                                                     March 31, 2020, The Lookout took home the top   Sparrow  Carson  Hospital has recognized
                     solution for you.               prize for Division 3 of the 2020 Michigan Press   Pharmacy Technician  Megan Obermiller as
                                                    Association’s Better Newspaper Contest.  The   its Caregiver of the Quarter, citing the special
              Call or email today to meet your       Lookout’s staff was also awarded 12 individual   assistance provided over the Covid-19 vaccine.
                                                     awards, including five for photo editor Julie Newell.  Obermiller was  nominated  by  a fellow caregiver
                 Business Services Team!                                                         who recounted a conversation between Obermiller
                                                     Three Eaton Regional Education Service Agency   and a patient desperate to get a Covid vaccine. The
                517.393.7710 ext. 2103               (RESA) Career Preparation Center students have   patient was frustrated because she didn’t know
                                                     been  recognized  with  the  Breaking  Traditions   where to call to get an appointment for her vaccine.
              Award through the Michigan Department of     Obermiller took the time during a busy Covid-19
                                                     Education Office of Career and Technical Education.   vaccine clinic to step aside with the patient, provide
                                                     The award aims to reward students for surpassing   options and instructions.
                                                     obstacles and stereotypes to achieve success in
                                                     career and technical education programs. Allison   The Arts Council of Greater Lansing is pleased
           Our service. Your success.                Zwiker has received the Breaking Traditions Merit   to announce 2021 Michigan Council for Arts and
                                                    Award. She is a student at Charlotte High School.   Cultural Affairs grant funding totaling $28,789
              Federally Insured by NCUA    Equal Opportunity Lender
                                                     Alyssa Luzkow, a student from DeWitt and the   to be distributed to area artists and arts and
                                                    Automotive Technology program, and  Lillyanne   culture organizations. MCACA Professional or

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