Page 23 - LRCC September FOCUS 2023
P. 23
After developing his cheesecake recipes for
over 10 years, Marcus Leslie, Sr., owner of Mr. Downtown Lansing
Leslie’s Cheesecakes began renting space
in the Allen Neighborhood Center incubator
kitchens to keep up with demands from FOCUS Magazine asked local leaders and
his growing business. Most of his business
is wholesale including being located in all downtown influencers what the number one item
Meijer stores. Leslie has also decided to open that would be on their “wish list” for downtown
a bricks and mortar retail store in the Macotta
Club. Leslie says that as a native of Detroit, he Lansing. Their responses are below.
appreciates the opportunity to be part of the
downtown business district. F Lansing Mayor ANDY SCHOR
“As Mayor it’s hard to say only one thing, but if I had to pick
“I’ve been in Lansing over 20 years and I am one, I’d say it would be more people. More people living
raising my family here,” said Leslie. “I definitely downtown, more people working downtown, more people
want to be in the heart of the city. There is visiting downtown, more people enjoying entertainment
a lot of activity and growth downtown and options downtown, and more people dining and shopping
strategically we want to be part of that growth at our great small businesses right here.”
so we can facilitate and be part of community
growth.” F TIM DAMAN, President & CEO, Lansing
Regional Chamber of Commerce
F BUILDING A 24/7 DOWNTOWN “We have to find more balance in our partnerships with the
state of Michigan. State government should not be viewed
Transforming downtown as the sole driver of growth downtown. But, there should
Lansing to a resident- be a closer partnership around economic development and
focused destination innovation. We need to embrace being the State Capitol
requires a renewed effort to like they do in other states around the country. Our city and
create more entertainment region often get overlooked when the state is investing in
and dining options. Though different innovations and technologies around the state.”
Covid curtailed some of
the downtown’s growing F PAT GILLESPIE, CEO, Gillespie Group
restaurant scene, recent “It would be nice if Michigan State became an integral part
trends offer reasons for Prins of downtown Lansing. Look at Grand Rapids and downtown
encouragement. Most Detroit and see the impact they have had there. What
notable has been the overhaul of the former if MSU put 1,000 students, faculty and staff downtown
Lansing City Market building. The result is every day? It could be medical, James Madison College or
Lansing Shuffle. The re-imagined, 11,000-sq-ft. some other program. That would be a game-changer and
facility features seven restaurants, two full- facilitate a ton of growth.”
service bars, a large outdoor patio - and yes
- the nostalgic game of shuffleboard. Lansing F RON BOJI, CEO, Boji Group
Shuffle’s Director of Events, Courtney Prins, “The top of my wish list is that we continue to see
says the venue has already become popular as entrepreneurs, developers, and residents come together
a community gathering place. and break new ground with new ideas, and to do so with
the support of the elected leaders who have the power
“We are proud to host all kinds of people from to keep driving us toward the bright future we envision
different walks of life that reflect the diverse for this great city. Downtown Lansing isn’t going return
culture of Lansing. The whole community is to what it was like right before the pandemic, and that’s
welcome to enjoy this special space,” said the good news. That’s what has given us the freedom we
Prins. “We just hosted a break dance battle need to imagine this city as we’ve never imagined it before:
with All of the Above Hip Hop. We also hosted Michigan’s downtown, a model for all our downtowns.”
a disability art exhibit for disability pride
month. We are partnering with a wide range of F CATHLEEN EDGERLY, Executive Director,
community groups and giving them a unique Downtown Lansing, Inc.
place to gather.” “People. People make the place. People add activity.
People will support the businesses and attract more
Lansing Shuffle will become an even more investment. People visit the great attractions. The more
popular destination once its signature people living downtown, visiting downtown adds more
shuffleboard courts are completed, which is activity and energy at all hours of the day.”
expected to be sometime in October.