Page 28 - LRCC September FOCUS 2023
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LRCC Announces Dynamic Fall Programming Schedule
he Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce our region including; the Executive Welcome on Thursday,
(LRCC) is proud to announce a very dynamic series Sept. 28, Ten Over the Next Ten on Tuesday, Sept. 19 and
Tof member programs for the fall of 2023. There is the annual ATHENA Lansing Celebration luncheon on
something for everyone in the diverse mix of 13 individual Wednesday, Dec. 5.
programs falling under the LRCC’s most prominent brands,
including the Lansing Economic Club, Business Education “The fall slate of LRCC events and programming provide
Series and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Series. businesses with numerous opportunities for networking,
professional growth and development, policy and
“We know that our members place a high value on the regulatory updates, and to celebrate our community
Chamber’s role in providing opportunities to connect them and leaders,” said Michelle Rahl, vice president of
to other leaders in the business community,” said Steve membership and marketing for the Lansing Regional
Japinga, senior vice president of public affairs, LRCC. “We Chamber. “These programs are a strong value-add for our
have also been very intentional about creating a series of employers as they look to grow, engage, and retain their
programs that offer content that is very relevant and top of staff members.”
mind for leaders in every industry sector of our economy.”
For more information on LRCC fall 2023 programs, visit
LRCC also features three stand-alone events that will l
recognize the accomplishments of outstanding leaders in
BUSINESS EDUCATION designed to provide local renowned speakers who Tuesday, Nov. 7
SERIES businesses with the tools cover various business- Topic: Celebration of
The Business Education and resources needed to related topics, such as Regional Growth Awards
Series provides foster diversity, equity, and leadership, innovation
opportunities for our inclusion in the workplace. and industry trends. The Tuesday, Dec. 12
members to learn from The series includes a monthly events serve as Topic: 2024 Economic
business leaders and range of educational an excellent opportunity Preview
industry experts. From sessions and workshops, to network with more Speaker: David Bahnsen,
tips and techniques to covering topics such than 450 regional American portfolio
the latest industry trends, as unconscious bias, community, business, and manager, author, and
each seminar covers a cultural competency, and education leaders. television commentator |
different topic to help you effective communication, The Bahnsen Group
succeed and save time with the aim of helping Thursday, Sept. 7
and money. organizations build more Topic: The Revitalization of ADDITIONAL EVENTS &
inclusive and welcoming Downtown Lansing PROGRAMMING
September 27 work environments. Speakers: Cathleen
Topic: Practical A.I. Edgerly (Downtown Thursday, Sept. 28
Business Solutions Tueday, Sept. 5 Lansing, Inc.), Van Martin Executive Welcome
Facilitator: Jesse Flores | Topic: Creating a Culture (Martin Commercial 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Super Web Pros of Inclusion and Belonging Properties), Pat Gillespie The Venue (Eleven 11
Facilitator: Dr. Ashley (Gillespie Group) and John Events)
October 25 Baker | MSUFCU Hindo (Boji Group).
Topic: Maximizing Tuesday, Sept. 19
Productivity: Strategies for Tuesday, Oct. 10 Tuesday, Oct. 3 Ten Over Next Ten
More Effective Work Days Topic: Representation in Topic: Paving the Way Awards
Facilitator: Emmie Musser the Workplace Panel for Greater Student 5:30 to 7 p.m.
| Techsmith Facilitator: Lori Simon | Achievement University Club of MSU
SimonSezConsulting Speaker: Jamie Vollmer,
DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND Host of The Great Wednesday, Dec. 5
The Lansing Regional CLUB 2023 Consultant. Author of Celebration
Chamber of Commerce's The Lansing Regional Schools Cannot Do It 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Diversity, Equity and Chamber Economic Alone. Former director Kellogg Hotel and
Inclusion (DEI) Series is a Club luncheons feature of the Iowa Business Banquet Center
comprehensive program local, national, and world- Roundtable.