Page 16 - LRCC March 2021 Focus
P. 16


        Rethinking Higher Education

        T    he  impact of  COVID-19  has hit  higher                      to make a meaningful impact in the world. President Montgomery says part
                                                                           of that involves helping students find their ‘why’.
             Michigan University (WMU) told the Jan.
        28 Lansing Economic Club audience that lessons                    “This generation wants to come out with a fire in their belly,” said President
                                                                           Montgomery. “They want to come out with a clear sense of purpose.”
        learned from the auto industry turnaround
        following the recession years of 2008-2010                         Surveys show that 85% of jobs that will be available in 2030 do not exist today.
        could serve as a model for emerging from the                       25% of jobs are threatened by automation. President Montgomery says those
        COVID pandemic. Montgomery led Obama                               statistics underscore the importance of helping students to be equipped to
        administration efforts to transform the struggling                 adapt to changing circumstances quickly.
        auto industry through a series of investments in
        new innovations. Those investments helped the                     “They will have to be able to adapt in ways that we may not be able to imagine
        industry overcome sales figures that hit 30 -year   Montgomery     at all right now,” said President Montgomery. “We have to be responsive to
        lows during the recession to all-time record high                  short-term needs, but we also have to prepare them for what happens when
        sales by 2016.                                                     that skill is no longer the primary thing that companies need.”
        President Montgomery believes higher education can make a similar   President Montgomery told the Economic Club that higher education is well-
        transformation, but acknowledges it won’t be easy. The challenges in higher   positioned for the next decade because it is still a great value and critically
        ed have been in the making long before COVID, including concern over rising   important for students preparing for a career.
        costs, declining graduation rates, and a dramatic increase in the number of
        Americans, especially business leaders who felt higher education was headed   “It is still one of the most powerful engines for economic advancement that
        in the wrong direction.                                            we know,” said President Montgomery. “Throughout a lifetime, a holder of
                                                                           a bachelor’s degree will make about $3 million more than if they had only
        WMU has created what it calls the Rethink Smart initiative, which aims to   gotten a high school diploma. Meeting the needs of our young people is
        help students pursue and thrive both in their chosen careers and their ability   critical in our ability to survive and prosper as an institution.” n

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