Page 17 - LRCC March 2021 Focus
P. 17


        Leaders Make Their Mark During Turbulent Times

             he    incredible  leadership                                                                 “There is a certain expectation that
             being displayed by healthcare                                                                the leader is going to set the example,”
             workers  during  COVID-19                                                                    said  General  Neller.  “Anybody  can
        T is a model for leading during                                                                   lead when things are good. The real
        turbulent times, according to East                                                                challenge is can you lead when things
        Lansing native and former Marine                                                                  are hard.”
        Corps Commandant, Robert Neller.
        During his appearance before the                                                                  General  Neller  said  that  leaders  not
        Lansing Economic Club on Feb. 18,                                                                 only have to be clear about what they
        General Neller said the heroic efforts                                                            expect from their team, but equally as
        by  healthcare  professionals  are  also                                                          clear as to what the team can expect
        examples of how good teammates                                                                    from the leader.
        help  each  other  when  others  need
        support.                                                                                          “It’s a contract. It’s a partnership,” said
                                                                                                          General Neller. “If you’ve been in an
        “They’ve been running hard much                                                                   organization that you thought was
        longer than we thought they would                                                                 good, you believed that people were
        have  to  run,” said General  Neller.                                                             committed to the mission. People that
        “It  shows  their  dedication  and  their                                                         were  not  committed  to  the  mission
        discipline and their focus.  They’ve   Neller                                                     were held accountable. The leaders are
        helped each other and leaned on each other.”                       most responsible and therefore should be held the most accountable.”

        General Neller told the audience that turbulent times require leaders to   General Neller said many organizations fail to invest the necessary resources
        be clearer in their communications, engage with their people, analyze the   in training  and development. He said continual training  is essential  for
        mission, and share the risk with teammates.                        growth of individual team members and the organization’s overall health. n

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