Page 29 - Trading #101 Course – Part THREE: SETTING UP YOUR BUSINESS –
P. 29


               Do Not Disturb!

               This can be somewhat of a delicate topic.  That is, the topic of keeping well-meaning co-
               workers, family members and phone solicitors out of your hair when you are trading.
               Success cannot be attained without your undivided attention and concentration.  So,
               look around you as you are reading this chapter.

               What do you see?

                   •  Are you in a cubicle next to someone that is loud and distracting?
                   •  Are you home in your living room, with the kids running around, arguing over
                       what TV show they will watch tonight?
                   •  Are you in your home-office with the door closed, and your wife bursts in urgently
                       asking you “what do you want for dinner?”
                   •  Are you at your desk and the phone rings, you pick it up, it’s your Mother, she
                       needs to desperately talk to you about her garden of roses that is dying?
                   •  Are you on your computer at a desk in your bedroom and your significant other is
                       ready to go to bed, so you are trying to be extra quiet?

               Your experience may be completely different, but the examples listed here are designed
               to give you an idea of what potential distractions exist that can derail your concentration
               while in study mode – or in live trading mode.

               It may seem harmless to tolerate these occasional distractions.  But make no mistake,
               these types of distractions can ruin your trading profits. You need to develop effective
               disciplined trading habits now.  This discipline you develop, will pay you back
               handsomely down the road.

               TODAY: Put a do not disturb “door hang tag” on your door when you are trading.

               This idea is a bit like when you go to a hotel and put a “door hang tag” on the outside of
               your door so the house keeping folks know you don’t want them to come in your room.

               The “Do Not Disturb” Plan of Action:

                   •  If possible, find a room in your home with a door that you can close and make
                       that your “Trading Room”. (If you are working out of an office building, if possible,
                       obtain a private office rather than a cubicle.)
                   •  Communicate to your family and/or co-workers that you are under no
                       circumstances to be interrupted while you are trading (or studying your trading).
                       This communication should be clear and firm.
                   •  Put a “Do Not Disturb” door sign up on your door from now on while trading and
                   •  Do not answer the phone while trading and studying.  Use an answering
                       machine.  Use caller ID to screen out unnecessary calls.

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