Page 30 - Trading #101 Course – Part THREE: SETTING UP YOUR BUSINESS –
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               With this plan, you’ll be able to focus on getting profitable.  There is nothing worse than
               trading errors because of poor concentration.  You may be templated to blame the
               “distractor”.  But, if you don’t put a plan in place to avoid distractions, you’ve no one to
               blame but yourself when trading errors occur.

               Enter a “Contract for Success”

               Complete your “Contract for Success” today. See Figure 16.1. It is important for you to
               make the inner commitment to be successful. By entering into this written contract, you
               are physically and emotionally encouraging yourself to attain trading success.  At the
               same time, you are promising yourself that you will use planning and risk control in your
               trading and investing; you will set stops and adhere to these stops, and you will do the
               work necessary to become successful.

               Guidelines for Completing Your “Contract for Success”:

                   1.) Through testing and “Paper Trading” determine what works best for you and
                       outline your “Trading & Investing Rules” one by one, always focus on profitability.
                   2.) What time of day and what days of the week are best for your performance?
                   3.) Are there any physical requirements necessary for your success – such as
                       enough sleep, eating right, discipline, etc.?
                   4.) What privacy requirements do you need to eliminate and reduce distractions –
                       such as no phone calls, no television, no visits from family and friends, etc.?
                   5.) Specify your personal money management formula (over and above the need for
                       stop-loss exits).
                   6.) Specify your technical specifics – such as what style of trading and investing you
                       will be doing, what market time frame(s) you will be using, which financial market
                       (s) you want to work on, etc.
                   7.) Write down any personal “Trading & Investing Rules” that you may have difficulty
                       in adhering to (especially the ones that you know will make you more profitable).
                   8.) Update your contract once a year, or whenever you adapt your rules and you find
                       it improves profitability.
                   9.) Find a “Trading & Investing Buddy”, someone that can also sign-off on your
                       contract and keep you “Honest”. This would be someone you talk to often, not
                       necessarily a trader or financial expert, but someone that knows you and can
                       help keep you “On-Track”, such as your wife or husband, friend, a “Trading
                       Coach”, etc. By keeping your buddy in the loop, it will enable you to maintain
                       accountability for your actions and your results.
                   10.)       After completing your “Contract for Success” be sure to MAIL or EMAIL it
                       to the® office. This will help your trading psychology since
                       you will have made a written commitment to your “Trading & Investing Rules” and
                       your will have a support team to help you implement these rules successfully.

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