Page 84 - Dechencholing HSS dairy 2023
P. 84
Dechencholing Higher Secondary School
དབྱིན་ཟློ་༤་པ། April
Y Reviewing and enriching
C Sat.1 individualized review papers. Domain HoDs & BB
Mentors/ Award
meetings to look at the individualized
L review papers in their domain/ Award comm.
E day- teachers & students
Mon.3 Reviewing end of learning cycle
- Coord. & Mentors
Thu.6 reports for learning cycle I
Mon.3 Morning & Evening study commence Cerebral
T Tue.4 Guest Speaker - ways to regulate Emo.
W emotions
O Fri.7 Choeshey Lherim/Mindfulness Spiritual
Math Intervention: Data Management
Sat.8 and Probability Ms. A. Srivasta
A Bring Closure to learning cycle I and
prepare for learning cycle II- Progress
R reports to be sent home. Reviewing
D and updating all Roadmaps
A Consultation 3 and 4 - Feuerstein
K Institute and BCSEA/BCSEA to share
about the process of evaluation and
reporting of the results/Feuerstein
Institute to provide ideas on how the
Feuerstein LPAD test results are R. Chhetri & T.
evaluated/Discuss how to evaluate the Nidup
BCSEA questions to look at Skills,
Processes and Watermarks
Use of technology to record and
L analyze data on the performance of the
E students
A Designing cross pollination review
R papers/Creating the Latin Squares and
N Fri.14 working on the review papers for end R. Dahal & team
I of learning cycle II review (9:30 AM
G to 1:00 PM)
©School Diary, DHSS 2023 སློབ་གྲྭའི་ཉིན་དེབ། སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༣ ཅན་མ 84