Page 80 - Dechencholing HSS dairy 2023
P. 80

Dechencholing Higher Secondary School

                            Schools organise 108 learning
                            experience reviews as per school   དབུ་འཛིན།
                    Thu.2   calendar. One on one meeting between  Principal &
                            mentor and mentee/Domain meetings/  HoDs/Class Trs
                            Submission of statistics of students in
                            the office.
                            Principal & Coordinators present
                            School Roadmap to BB Mentor for
                            his/her inputs (9:30 Am to 11:30 AM).   དབུ་འཛིན།
             G      Fri.3   Inputs Roadmap to be shared with   Principal & Coord.
             O              faculty (12:00 PM to 1:00PM) &
             M              Thromde Education Officers
             D              Engagement programme for students
             R              and teachers of 23 schools (Date to be
             I              finalized after Mr Kapur’s
                            conversation with the Principals)
                            Creation of Learning Framework (only
                    Sat.4   Principal and 5 Coordinators to attend   TRA Coord.
                            the session)
             E      Sun.5   Conduct d-LPAD for 90 students and   T. Nidup with 20
                            analyze data
             R              Creation of Skills, Processes &
             N              Watermarks list infocus from School
             I              Roadmap to create Learning
             N              Framework for 2023/ ཕམ་དང་སློོབ་དཔོན་  Principal & coord./
             G      Mon.6   གྱི་ཞོལ་འཛོམས་གྲ་སྒྲིག།       Lit. comm/
                            Staff Meeting-Preparation for PTA/   Democracy
                            Class wise (all level)Wall Magazine
                            competition begins/ Class wise (XI
                            -XII) News Reading competition
                            begins/ School leader election
                            Review meeting for approval of
                    Tue.7   School Roadmap till July 2023(After   Principal &TEOs
                    Wed.8   International Women’s Day     Social

          ©School Diary, DHSS 2023            སློབ་གྲྭའི་ཉིན་དེབ། སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༣ ཅན་མ  80
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