Page 77 - Dechencholing HSS dairy 2023
P. 77
Dechencholing Higher Secondary School
Celebration of HRH Gyelsey’s birth
Sun.5 Spiritual
Domain meetings to put into place the
Domain Roadmaps for 2023 including
C Mon.6 detailed plans for Gomdri. Baseline
instruments must be ready for the
Y Areas of Development and Domains
L Each Coordinator to meet the faculty
to plan the Areas of Development
E Roadmap for 2023- BB Mentor for the
school to join the meetings BB Mentors
(Day 83 to 85)
Each Coordinator to meet the faculty
to plan the Areas of Development
O Tue.7 Roadmap for 2023- BB Mentor for the
N school to join the meetings. First Draft
E of the Calendar For 2023 for the
school needs to be ready and presented
by the Principal and Coordinators to
the faculty. Teachers have time to
suggest changes till 8th February 2023
Wed.8 ཅ་ཆས་བགོ་བཀྲམ/སློོབ་ཁང་བགོ་བཀལ། Furniture
Furniture distribution/ classroom
allocation/ In-charge
Domain Meetings with Domain
Wed.8 teachers of The Royal Academy to
- contextualize the BB Curriculum and HoDs of TRA and
Fri.10 design Backstory and Baseline 22 schools
instruments. Designing and conducting
Cross Pollinated learning experiences
G Fri.10 Orientation on BB curriculum for non DGI Graduates
BB schools transferals and those on
O invigilation duty
D Coordinators and Domain Heads
enrich the Area of Development and
R Domain Roadmaps for 2023. The
I Calendar for 2023 for the school needs Principal coord./
to be ready and presented by the HoDs
Principal and Coordinators to the
faculty with detailed breakdown of the
5 Learning Cycles
©School Diary, DHSS 2023 སློབ་གྲྭའི་ཉིན་དེབ། སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༣ ཅན་མ 77