Page 4 - District Program of Studies 2024-2025 FLIP.docx
P. 4


           The mission of the Black Horse Pike Regional School District is to educate a diverse population
           in an atmosphere consistent with the ideals of a free and democratic society.  We are committed
           to an exemplary educational program, based upon the New Jersey Student Learning Standards
           as adopted by the State Board of Education.  It is the expectation of this district that all pupils
           achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, and Next Generation Science Standards,
           at all levels.  We will continue to improve students’ and teachers’ technological literacy as a
           means of preparing for the future with confidence and creativity.  Our schools will ensure the
           safety and security of all students and strive to provide the best learning environment.  We will
           enhance our students’ growth by providing them with a creative, purposeful, and ethical
           atmosphere. We are dedicated to providing our students an opportunity to achieve academic
           goals, develop good citizenship skills, and make a positive contribution to society.

                                           EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY

           We believe that a public school in a democratic society must educate for diversity in an atmosphere of
           freedom. As our students grow and develop, we trust that creative and purposeful actions will dominate
           their lives. It is our belief that their interpretation of the world depends on the kinds of ideas that fill their
           minds. If those ideas are weak, superficial, and incoherent, our students’ lives will be uninspired,
           uninteresting, and chaotic. If the ideas are energetic, profound, and rational, their lives will be motivated,
           enriched and meaningful.

           We believe that when a community asks for education, it is asking for ways to make life intelligible and
           meaningful. It asks that all subjects, no matter how specialized, emanate from a core of purposeful
           action, which reflects its basic convictions. We adhere to the teaching of New Jersey Student Learning
           Standards established by the Department of Education. We, therefore, believe that the acquisition of the
           ability to interact positively with their environment will form the basis of our students’ success in their
           future occupational endeavors as well as their physical and social activities.

           It follows that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District educates only if we enable our students to
           continue learning. Every bit of evidence they can acquire in any area leads them that much closer to
           what is true, and being closer to the truth is ultimately the most satisfying experience.

           We further believe that if we are to survive as a people, we will do so only if we perceive intellectual,
           scientific, and political truths as dynamic concepts to be discovered through inquiry, not as immutable
           dogma to be transmitted by authority. Thus, we aim to develop skills, attitudes, habits of mind, and the
           kinds of knowledge and understanding that will enable the student to act purposefully within the

           Black Horse Pike Regional Program of Studies                                         4
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