Page 102 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 102

Azim Premji, renowned in the worlds of both       He spoke about the Foundation’s strategic
                Information  Technology and philanthropy, was     engagement with the Government of Odisha in
                inspired by his mother and father, He started his   the area to map quality nutrition to mothers and
                philanthropic journey some 12-13 years back with   children. Their engagement with the Government
                an uncompromising emphasis on integrity of        of Andhra Pradesh focuses on Climate Resilience
                character. The Azim Premji Foundation began with   Zero Budget Farming with a scaled up objective of
                an aim to upgrade the quality of teachers, so that   reaching out to 50 million farmers. The Foundation
                a child can learn better. He says, “A fully educated   also engages with various stakeholders in the
                child is a strong national asset as a citizen”. Most   states of Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,
                of the organization’s work involves re-staffing   Karnataka and Odisha to improve community
                with  the cooperation of  the  Karnataka state    access to benefits  in these states. It promotes
                government  and  reassessing  of  the  curriculum   bottom up participatory planning to adopt a
                and over all teacher training.
                                                                  demand driven approach to service delivery. The
                Throwing light on the gender composition of       main objective is to implement governance at the
                the Foundation and the Azim Premji University,    community level by working with grass root level
                he shared that at least 55% of the total students   specialized NGOs and make women aware, enable
                are women and scholarship is offered to at least   their participation in planning and to generate
                70% of the students. The students generally join   accountability for delivering on those plans.
                the social sector and 90% of the University cost is
                funded by the Foundation endowment.

                He broadly discussed  what philanthropists
                bring to the table when  they forge strategic
                collaborations with governments. Philanthropists
                bring in funding, which is crucial for any project
                to thrive. Alongside, they bring in various skills
                and expertise. Flexibility is also their forte.
                Philanthropists also have a major focus on impact
                and its measurement, which is ideally done both,
                internally and externally.
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