Page 98 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
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incredible sight alongside watching corals, algae separated from it before touchdown. Having lived
formation and growth under water. These can be in space, the cosmonauts lack body balance and
used for Earth Science and better understanding equilibrium despite of their good exercise regime.
of the health of our world. They are given body fluids through IV to bring
back the balance.
The magnificence concept of a borderless universe
is experienced as cosmonauts view 16 sunrises In Col. Fischer’s words, “It is an incredible reminder
and sunsets in a day, as it takes about 90 minutes to all of us, of the amazing things that we can do
to orbit once around the earth. It takes about when we work and explore together as one team
seven seconds for the sun to go from nothing to to build a borderless universe, and it is just the
a full disk. Fischer shared his unique experience beginning”.
of watching the Auroras- an awosome, a play of
colours in the sky. Owing to the magnificence of
the universe, a person in space feels small and
humbles with respect to his or her existence on
this planet Earth.
Vacuum and suction are used for performing
daily human activities while in space. After about
five months of living in space, he got back home.
The process from undocking till touchdown
took about four and half hours. During de-orbit,
the spacecraft burns down and the capsule gets