Page 26 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
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weeding out urban biases while making polices. auto and precision agriculture is practised. Soil
Often it is thought that the small farm holding in quality is tested and and the computers give the
India causes less production. However, the average exact mix of nutrients to be added to the soil.
land holding size in China is less than half the land This is then applied to the land by mechanized
holding size in India, but the crop production tractors. The entire process is done instantly
is more than double in comparison to those of through web based approach. To achieve 7-8%
India from a cropped area that is less than that of growth in agriculture, technological innovations
India. So higher rate of production is achievable need to be employed along with creative value
from small land holdings. India needs to take chain adaptation to reduce wastage of perishable
experience from past successful revolutions in goods and linking producers to consumers. India
agricultural sector. There have been four very has to move from Green to Brown revolution.
successful revolutions in the past twenty years.
The milk revolution that catapulted India to be the Evidently, the consumption pattern is changing
largest milk producer in the world with only 20% with a shift towards more nutrient rich food like
of our produced milk being processed through dairy, vegetable and livestock. This very pattern
organized sector. From 2002-3, cotton production is an avenue for the next generation farmers and
jumped up by 170% thereby making India save producers to explore and use to their advantage.
25 billion USD which otherwise would have been To boost agricultural production in Odisha,
used in importing cotton. Currently, India is the the untapped potential of irrigation needs be
second largest exporter of cotton, earning foreign emphasized. Irrigation cover can be increased
currency. Production also doubled in hybrid maize and electricity consumption is only 1.3% for
and basmati rice. India also needs to invest heavily
in Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to agriculture of the entire consumption. This shows
bring innovations in seeds and technology. During less use of groundwater. Use of fertilizer in Odisha
2014-15, the budget allocation for ICAR was 0.8 is also half the usage in India. Odisha needs to
billion USD in comparison to a US based private invest in development of irrigation, higher usage
firm that invested 1.7 billion USD in research and of electricity for agricultural purposes, increased
development of agriculture. usage of fertilizer and improved network of surface
roads to access markets. He concluded by saying,
Brown revolution is the new buzz word that needs “Agriculture of tomorrow is not farming alone;
to be started in India. Through this technology product and marketing are equally important”.