Page 30 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 30

The address of Subroto Bagchi was on personal    worth also defines who you are. The fifth vertical
                leadership. He started his address by saying, “I am   is Family: families could compete or pull you down
                who I am because of this State from where I started   or collaborate and become a force multiplier to
                my career and life has come full circle as I am here   be more impactful. The final vertical is the Human
                today again. It is symbolic and God sent.”       Body: a vehicle which takes you to wherever
                                                                 you want to go. Many highly competent people
                According to him,  “Government is a great        have been let down by their bodies just before
                repository of personal leadership and institutional   their ultimate defining moment or the role and
                leadership and each one listening to this talk is a   responsibility  they  were  about  to  take  or  could
                leader in his/her own capacity”.                 have taken.

                He  went on to explain leadership by looking     Most people joining the government are highly
                at it from two dimensions of one’s personal life;   intelligent people and with comparable intellect.
                one of which he calls Platform and the other,    The  platform  for these  individuals  remains  the
                Purpose. Personal identity of an individual      same but what they do with that platform and
                consists of 6 verticals: Education: from where one   how they move forward will be very different. And
                studied and what one studied becomes a very      that is determined by purpose.
                defining  experience  and  sticks  to  you  all  your
                life.  The second vertical is Experience: the roles   Shri Bagchi went on to explain the concept of
                and responsibilities handled by an individual.   purpose in a simple mathematical formulation; it
                The third vertical is Network: A good network    which means the impact an individual makes over
                                                                 a period of time. In simpler terms, the platform
                expands  one’s  possibilities.  The  fourth  vertical   consisting of the above mentioned 6 verticals are
                is Net worth and it isn’t necessarily about the   nothing but a spring board from where you launch
                money. When an individual has a good network,    yourself and it’s a place that helps you to go to a
                he/she can comprehend taking risks.  The same    destination  and  create  an impact. Often,  most
                principle applies to the world of business as well.   individuals spend too much time sharpening the
                Owing to one’s connections and network, one      platform. The focus, however, should mostly be on
                can think of taking a plunge or take risks in being   the purpose, because without it, the platform is of
                an entrepreneur or to enter politics. So one’s net   no use.
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