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Listening Window Odisha Knowledge Hub Lecture Series 45
that gives the idea of independence movements) could be National Archives and lastly all of the rest
and lastly creating highest quality descriptions of of the world. For example British Library, British
each of the created resources so that people and Museum, Google Books Programme. Of course
computers can find them easily. many of them are in English but describe things
related to Odia culture, for example Buddhist
Some reflections on possible actions on remains.
preservation and access in Odisha. Any project
undertaken on Odia and Odia culture has to be This should be done in the following ways.
broad and expansive in scope and coverage. If the Specialists should be hired and sent out on special
project is on music, it should cover classical and missions to document and catalogue. State of
Adivasi music as well. If it is on arts, apart from Odisha can bring legislations in supporting and
paintings by great artists, it should include popular enabling towards desired goal of an open access to
cultural representations like match book covers cultural heritage; taking lead in enforcement and
and calendar arts that say so much about the encouragement of publishers to deposit copies
culture of the region. If it is on writings, it should in designated libraries; creatively addressing
include both scholarly treatises and children copyright laws that can allow open access to
magazines. If it is on maps and cartography, it cultural heritage. Careful attention should be
should include topographical sheets prepared by given while choosing strategic partners. Strong
Survey of India and also popular maps. digital connectivity in the state is a must with solid
digital infrastructure.
In these kind of projects, Government of Odisha
and its agencies should be actively involved
in preparing, overseeing, funding with a deep
commitment to any kind of cultural preservation
and access. Involvement of private libraries
is fundamentally important as often the best
collections are in hands of private collectors.
Collections of citizens and partners who are
outside Odisha should also be part of it. This
project should be done in Odisha as a state. In
Odia and Odia related holdings within India but
not exclusively available in the state. An example