Page 50 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 50

a possibility of an asteroid heading our way and   it.  Without failure there is no innovation.  The
                this time it might be the humans instead of the   surest recipe for success is to let your purpose be
                dinosaurs being wiped out.                       higher than yourself. Not only are our economies
                                                                 integrated but our destinies too. We must learn to
                In the last  century the  human population  has   be ourselves.
                quadrupled and this has led to an increase in
                consumption of resources. Urban employment
                opportunities have begun to grow which is
                leading us towards an urban utopia of energy
                intensive lifestyle. The resulting high demand for
                products has encouraged industries to overlook
                the environmental effects. Industries have started
                to move from the west to the east because of
                a  lack  of  strict  environmental  regulation.  The
                earth simply cannot support non-sustainable

                Sharma feels we must all find another habitable
                planet. If we do that, are we going to change
                our paradigm or are we going to continue living
                like we have done so far? Even if we find another
                planet are we going to repeat the same mistakes?
                We should be working towards making heaven
                right here on earth rather than a far off hell. So we
                need to change our behaviour here.

                He shared about his learnings and said that, we
                must grab every opportunity that comes our
                way even if it appears to be out of our reach.
                The potential of young India is immense and we
                must have a way to harness that and leverage
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