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Listening Window Odisha Knowledge Hub Lecture Series 55
keeps people blind. It is evident from following done in a day. The following lessons were learnt
example. The health care facility is better in Tamil that can be useful for expanding health care
Nadu than in Kerala. But life expectancy is better in
Kerala. So factors related to culture, education and • Be unreasonable by leaping ahead rather
economy are also responsible. Women have 36% than setting limited benchmarks. The building
more chance of being blind than men. An illiterate blocks of Aravind Eye hospital are its value
person has 3.75 times more chance of remaining system to give care, delivery system to make it
blind. Unemployment also leads to blindness. accessible and innovations.
Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy founded the • Draw the boundaries appropriately by
Aravind Eye Hospital in 1976 at the age of 58 designing for non customers and creating
after his retirement. Today approximately 14,000 mechanisms for community outreach. While
patients are attended to and 1,500 surgeries are creating mechanism vision is required. For