Page 60 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 60
Dr. Michael Greenstone talked about the global of energy consumption denotes low level of
energy challenge. He mentioned that research growth and development.
and partnerships could be a possible solution to
the challenge. The global energy challenge that • Demand for energy will grow rapidly in
we face today is how to ensure people around developing countries. Between now and
the world have access to reliable and affordable 2035, global energy demand is set to grow by
energy needed for economic growth and human 30%. 100% of expected growth will occur in
development without putting the environment, emerging market economies especially in Asia.
climate and human health at risk. China and India are expected to account for
more than half of the global energy demand
Global energy challenge has three aspects growth between today and 2035 based on
business as usual.
• How can we get access to inexpensive and
reliable energy? • Fossil fuels are expected to meet much of this
growth. Fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural
• The same energy sources that give us power gas. These are incredibly inexpensive in
are also causing air pollution leading to health comparison to other sources of energy and
problems. continue to attract significant investment
• The same fuel, that is giving power and as a result. In the transportation industry
energy, is releasing carbon dioxide gas to the combination of combusting engine
the atmosphere causing destructive climate and oil have no competition. Fossil fuels are
Seven facts that explain the difficult balance
between energy and growth are :
• Energy is critical for growth. There is no
economic growth without energy. Continued
growth in per capita energy demand is crucial
for improving quality of life in emerging
economies. In this sense, expanded energy
access is not only desirable; it is fundamentally
imperative and inevitable.
• Energy access is a major problem. Low level