Page 56 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
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example, when Rs. 100 was given to people to places and system in bigger organizations.
come for surgeries only 20% came as someone We have to create a balance between culture
needed to accompany them. However, when and system. We need to be inspired to make
transportation was provided and nobody has change. It needs to be understood that there
to accompany, 90% turned out for surgery. is a tremendous business sense in being
Set boundaries to undiagnosed need while altruistic.
focusing on non customer and unmet needs. Dr. G. Venkataswamy said, “Intelligence and
Existing demand boundary is very small.
capabilities are not enough. There must be the joy
Effective patient care is a journey from awareness of doing something beautiful”. So one must find
to seeking care to diagnosis to advice to treatment joy in the jobs he or she is doing.
to recovery to self care and finally to follow up.
• Building effective collaborations is very
important. In 1996, India took a loan of 135
million USD from the World Bank. It is believed
that it is the best loan World Bank has ever
given as the impact of the investment shows
tremendous outcomes. In 1995, India was
doing 1 million cataract surgeries and now
India is doing 6.5 million surgeries.
• We need to create health care systems by
setting bench marks.
• Relentless pursuit to execution is required to
realize any good start ups and ideas.
• Build values and systems around the vision and
be passionate. Culture is important in small