Page 54 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 54

Dr. Aravind Srinivasan, divided his speech into two   lifestyles. India is currently in this phase. The lower
                parts. In the first part he reflected on the current   the GDP, the lower is the expenditure in health
                health care scenario in India and in the second   sector.
                he shared the learning acquired in the last four   Expanding on Aravind hospital’s experience in
                decades in the eye hospital.
                                                                  elimination of needless blindness, he said each
                Urbanization, rapid economic transformation,      individual can make a difference and touch millions
                changes in family structures and social revolution   of lives. There are 12 million blind people in India.
                are taking place in contemporary India. People are   India has a higher preponderance of blindness. It
                living longer. All these changes have happened    is proved that Indians get blindness a little earlier.
                because of tremendous strides in the health care   The good news is 80% of the blindness is treatable
                sector in India, although  access to health care   through cataract surgeries and by wearing a pair
                in some areas still remains unsatisfactory.  The   of  spectacles.  35 million  cataract surgeries are
                biggest challenge is that the transformation has   done in  a year in the  world whereas 6.5  million
                not touched everyone in society. One in five is still   is done in India and 1.2 lakh done in Odisha per
                living in poverty. China has performed better than   year. It is not lack of health care facilities that
                us in lifting people out of poverty.

                As the economy of a country improves, the society
                moves from communicable disease prevalence
                to non communicable disease prevalence. Non
                communicable diseases are cardio vascular
                diseases, diabetes, cancer, chronic respiratory
                diseases and injury. People live longer. As a
                result, ageing is a major challenge as each aged
                person needs to be taken care of. Illness leads to
                poverty instead of vice versa as medical costs rise
                significantly. Increases are observed in sedentary
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