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Listening Window   Odisha Knowledge Hub Lecture Series  85

                                          scale farmers; farm equipment and fuel suppliers.   There are 99 million small and medium scale
                                          Worldwide, logistics alone create one third of    farmers, 40 million informal SMEs and 15 million
                                          the jobs in the agricultural sector. So agriculture   formal SMEs in India. These 55 million SMEs create
                                          departments need  to  be a  composite  structure   more jobs in the agricultural sector than many
                                          with inclusion of processing and logistics instead   other sectors. Odisha has 0.8 persons employed in
                                          of  using  fragmented  approaches.  This    would
                                          certainly encourage entrepreneurs.                formal agri MSME against each small and marginal
                                                                                            farmer, whereas in Thailand, it is 5.6 against each
                                          At policy level it needs to be understood that more   small  and  marginal  farmer.  Thailand  was  at  the
                                          jobs would be created by transforming agriculture   same level as Odisha fifteen to twenty years
                                          into food processing than pure agricultural       ago and has come up to the present level with
                                          products.  The  other  focus should  be  converting
                                          informal enterprises into formal enterprises while   investments in agribusiness entrepreneurship.
                                          investing  in  creation  of  favourable  ecosystem.   He explained the job pathways worldwide, such as
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