Page 80 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 80
Germany is the number one protector of the • Forests - Protection of forests is critical. When
environment. He urged the Indian government to the people and the government work together
increase dialogue with business houses so as to to protect their trees and forests, great results
move forward in achieving prosperity for the nation can be achieved as in Brazil and Odisha. Flora
by addressing both the issues of environment and and fauna protection is vital and one of the
development simultaneously. successes is ‘Save the Tiger’ initiative of India.
In practical terms, the following sectors could be • Transportation - We need to move to
focused upon, not only towards greening them alternative forms of mobility. 65% of the
but also as a catalyst for sustainable development. world’s high speed railways are in China. Every
city in China, which is the size of Bhubaneswar,
• Energy- Energy is the key to progress. Prices is today connected by high speed railway. The
of renewable energy have declined and are two biggest metro systems in the world today
now competitive with coal. The new airport are in Beijing and Shanghai and can be covered
in Kochi, Kerala, is the world’s first airport in 4 and half hours. We are rapidly moving into
completely run on solar energy. The world’s a future with electrical vehicles. The faster we
largest solar power plant is in Tamil Nadu. In embrace this, the more successful it will be.
the USA, there are now five times more jobs Norway has the largest number of electrical
in the solar power industry than in the coal vehicles per capita and that is because of
industry. Embracing the solar industry is the government policies where they are made
future, so as to drive economic and green cheaper than gasoline driven cars. Tourism,
growth in a sustainable manner by facilitating one of the most successful economic drivers
and implementing renewable energy policies. today, can be done in a much greener way by
• Agriculture - Sustainable agriculture and embracing sustainable methods.
environment friendly agriculture is the Delivering his concluding remarks, Solheim said
future. New well tested methods can be that the above mentioned drivers can be well
used to reduce use of fertilizers and other utilized to protect the environment, create jobs
chemicals. There is huge potential in making to help people come out of poverty and also lead
agriculture sustainable, so that it yields more towards development in an overall manner.
and costs less.