Page 78 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 78
Erik Solheim delivered a lecture on the topic severe conflicts but there has hardly been any
namely, “World at a Crossroads”. Climate change large conflict since its independence. It is the
knows no border and the world today is faced contribution of the great leaders and the people
with variety of conflicts like changes in climate and of India who have made national consciousness
climate of changes. possible and have managed to avoid conflicts.
The world today is progressing at a much faster One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
rate than any time previously, whether it’s in health of UN is to eradicate poverty by 2030. However,
care, communications, education. Life expectancy eradication of poverty cannot be pursued at the
has gone up from the mid 40s to above 70, both cost of planet Earth. Environmental destruction
in the world and in India. This has been possible undermines the foundation of progress. According
because of the success against transmittable to World Health Organization figures, about 7
diseases. million people die prematurely every year because
of pollution. Caring for Earth is a sustainable way
Child mortality of Ethiopia (population of 100m) of defeating poverty. There is a need to save and
has reduced by 2/3rds in the last 20 years. It is preserve all flora and fauna on this planet and
similar to saving those many lives that die in wars, simultaneously build prosperity.
all combined.
The world is a much more peaceful place today
than at any other point in history. Of course there
are wars but they have reduced and fewer people
die today than in the past. The average human
is doing better on all accounts. The chance of an
individual dying from any kind of violence is very
low today.
If there is one place to celebrate peace and
progress then it is India. India would be a prime
conflict nation owing to the large population of
various religions, which raises the potency for