Page 74 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
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but it has been proven, as in the Athena doctrine,   are the culture of Conscious businesses. Business
                that feminine attributes are more strongly related   cannot run on fear and stress; rather it should be
                to leadership and morality and happiness.  The   built on love and respect. Profit can be generated
                concept  of Ardhanareswar  is a symbol  of both   through passion and purpose.  The culture of
                feminity and masculinity.  The book  ‘Shakti     amassing personal wealth  through business  is
                leadership - embracing feminine and masculine    to be abandoned and the spirit of conscious
                power in business’ does explain this concept.    capitalism is to be embraced.

                In the last part of his lecture, Dr. Sisodia emphasised
                that one has to be more conscious by having a
                finer sense of right and wrong. One has to be more
                inclusive and promote harmony and compassion.
                For business  to be  more conscious, the  usual
                approach will no longer work. A higher purpose
                has to be identified and worked towards such as
                100% transparency in salary and more than 2000
                percent return to investors and lower spending
                on marketing.

                The tenets of Conscious Capitalism prescribes
                a higher purpose, with stakeholder  integration
                promoting conscious culture and leadership.
                The healing purpose is one of the highest of
                purposes.  The qualities of conscious  leaders
                include strength, love, care, emotional, systems
                and spiritual intelligence.  Tough minded and
                tender heartedness are the characteristics of a
                true leader. Integrity, loyalty and empowerment
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