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P. 79
Listening Window Odisha Knowledge Hub Lecture Series 79
He explained how the issue of acid rain was action success stories is that of the Montreal
addressed in the United States. The recipe to Protocol. The scientists built the case, the media
succeed in this endeavor was a three layered picked it up leading to civil upheaval and in 1987
approach. Firstly, citizen’s action, followed by all the governments came together to act upon it.
political leadership, and the forces of market Also, the countries where the political leadership
and business to drive and lead in innovation works hand in hand with businesses are the most
and technology. successful and Germany is an example of it. One
of the reasons India lacked development for very
According to Solheim, we need to have a political long, was because it did not embrace the private
attitude of ‘can do’ atmosphere and of developing sector until the 90s. Today both development
together. We need leadership at all levels to be able and environment issues go hand in hand. We
to see Climate change as a global problem and can develop policies that help us achieve both
the collective thought of being in it together. We simultaneously. China has now changed its policies
need to stop the blame game and act together to to ‘green forests and clean rivers are the new gold’.
resolve things together. One of the biggest climate