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Listening Window   Odisha Knowledge Hub Lecture Series  73

                                          prosperity as well as well being of the human     policy of business which is a very narrow and
                                          populace. However, there is a flip side to this,   selfish viewpoint. Conscious capitalism is not
                                          as the way this prosperity has been achieved is   about such an approach as truly, business is not
                                          obviously not the right way. Today 80% of natural   about machines nor is it a game of profit and loss
                                          forests have dissappreared, 30% of arable land is   but rather about real people and real lives.
                                          unusable, nearly 50% of the species alive today
                                          will no longer be there in another 50 years. The   The world is changing which is evident in the
                                          toxic burden on humans is increasing and diseases   demographic shift to older population, increasing
                                          like cancer is wide spread.  Wars and religious   life  expectancy,  better  connectivity,  more  and
                                          fundamentalism is on the rise.                    faster information, better education, more women
                                                                                            in public offices. The rise of feminine values such as
                                          According to Dr. Sisodia, the single most important   compassion, empathy, creativity, cooperation and
                                          factor for such a scenario is the ‘profit maximization’   nurturing are inherent in both men and women
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