Page 72 - OKHCoffieeTableBook_Neat
P. 72

Dr. Sisodia in his lecture talked about the concept   are essential for development.  Thus the world
                of flourishing in the making of a conscious       saw  significant economic growth since the 18th
                society where government, business and civil      century due to the coming together of technology,
                society, each have roles to play. The potential of   ideas of liberty and intellectual growth.
                every human being has to be tapped to achieve
                higher consciousness and be transformatory in     This economic growth has catalysed indicators
                nature. The personal journey of every human is    of development such as literacy and poverty
                one of constant evolution and in his address he   alleviation.  The percentage of world population
                specifically focused on the role of the  business   living below the poverty line has decreased
                sector.                                           significantly since the last 200 years. At the current
                                                                  rate, extreme poverty can be totally eliminated in
                According to him, it is time for business         25 years. Hence, the impact of capitalism, social
                organizations  to  wake  up,  grow  up  and  show   goals  have  been  achieved.  Therefore, the  issue
                up - meaning that instead of being only focused   in  hand  is  not  about  the  unequal  distribution
                towards consumerism and profit making, there is   of income and wealth but rather the unequal
                also an evolutionary journey of the organization.   distribution of freedom.  The concept of free
                It is seen that in the last one thousand years, as   market and free people have resulted in economic
                a consequence of capitalism, the GDP per capita
                has increased phenomenonally. While in the 16th
                century due to the onset of Renaissance and
                technological inventions like the printing press,
                the GDP was around 600 dollars. This has shot up
                to more than 10,000 dollars in 2015. The industrial
                revolution propelled  this growth.  The questions
                raised by Adam Smith, the Scottish philosopher,
                on unequal growth pointed out that the quality of
                freedom of the citizens was key to prosperity and
                growth of nations. This could be seen in the growth
                that the USA could achieve since its formation in
                1776. The ideas of personal liberty and freedom
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