Page 36 - Lupin Employee Handbook and Supplements - July 2018
P. 36

Lupin Employee Handbook

               or morale. If accommodations of this nature are not feasible, the employees will be permitted to
               determine which one of them will resign. If the employees cannot make a decision, Lupin will
               decide in its sole discretion who will remain employed.

                       Solicitations and Distribution of Literature

               In order to prevent disruptions, interference with work, and inconvenience to other employees,
               solicitation for any cause, or distribution of literature of any kind, during working time (defined as
               that time when the soliciting or solicited employee should be working, and not including scheduled
               break time, meal time, or other times when an employee is off duty), is not permitted.  Even if you
               are not on working time, you may not solicit an employee who is on working time for any cause
               or distribute literature of any kind to that person. Whether on working time or not, you may not
               distribute literature of any kind in work areas. The term “work areas” includes all places where
               employees regularly work, confer, or conduct business. Persons not employed by Lupin may not
               solicit for any purpose or engage in distribution of literature of any kind on Lupin’s premises at
               any time.

               Likewise,  employees  may  not  post  or  affix  in  any  way  any  printed  materials  or  literature  on
               Company bulletin boards. Those boards are used to communicate official government information
               on equal employment opportunity, wage and hour, health and safety, and related policies and
               practices, as well as important Company business and announcements.

               Nothing in this policy shall prohibit an employee’s exercise of rights under the National Labor
               Relations Act.

                       Confidential Company Information

               During the course of your work, you may become aware of confidential information about Lupin
               business, including but not limited to information regarding Company finances, pricing, products,
               new  product  development,  software  and  computer  programs,  marketing  strategies,  suppliers,
               customers, and potential customers. An employee also may become aware of similar confidential
               information belonging to third parties with whom Lupin does business. It is extremely important
               that  all  such  information  remain  confidential,  and  particularly  not  be  disclosed  to  Lupin’s

               Any employee who improperly copies, removes (whether physically or electronically), uses, or
               discloses  confidential  information  to  anyone  outside  of  the  Company  may  be  subject  to
               disciplinary action up to and including termination.

               Employees may be required to sign a separate agreement reiterating these obligations.

                       Work Product Ownership

               Lupin retains legal ownership of the work product of all of its employees. Work product includes
               but is not limited to: written and electronic documents, audio and video recordings, system code,
               and any concepts, ideas or other intellectual property developed for Lupin, regardless of whether
               the  intellectual  property  is  actually  used  by  Lupin.  No  work  product  created  while  you  are
               employed or contracted by Lupin can be claimed, construed, or presented as your property, even

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