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As an employee of the City of Raleigh, you are provided retirement benefits through the Local Governmental Employee’s Retirement System (LGERS).
The City of Raleigh Pension Plan offers an easy way to save for your future through payroll deductions.
You are eligible to participate in the plan as outlined below. You are automatically enrolled to participate.
Unreduced Service Minimum Requirements
Any Age with 30 Years of Creditable Service Age 60 with 25 Years of Creditable Service Age 65 with 5 Years of Creditable Service
Any Age with 30 Years of Creditable Service as an Officer
Age 55 with 5 Years of Creditable Service as an Officer
Reduced Service Minimum Requirements
Age 50 with 20 Years of Creditable Service Age 60 with 5 Years of Creditable Service
Age 50 with 15 Years of Creditable Service as an Officer
Employee Contributions
• You make a 6% contribution from your bi-weekly pay that is made on a pre-tax basis. Vesting
• Vesting refers to your right of ownership to the money in your account. You are vested in all contributions after 5 years of contribution service.
City Contributions
• The City of Raleigh makes a contribution into your pension fund.
The City of Raleigh offers a Disability Retirement Plan in case you become disabled.
• You are eligible at any age as long as you have 5 years of creditable service with the City.
• You must be disabled from doing your particular job (not any occupation).
• Your doctor must complete paperwork and the LGERS Medical Board will determine if you qualify.
For additional details visit