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Ride the Bus For Free!
Full time employees can pick up their Regional GoPass at the Transportation Department – Raleigh Municipal Building – 4th floor. Passes are given out from 9am – 4:15pm.
You must bring your current City of Raleigh ID Badge and be a Regular Full Time Employee in order to receive your Regional Gopass once you have filled out the form. Please come prepared.
For information on obtaining a City ID, go to
Emergency Ride Home (ERH)
You have a ride home if an emergency ever strikes.
Though you may never need it (and we hope you won’t), you have a ride home if an emergency ever occurs.
To qualify for ERH, you must:
• Be a part-time or full-time employee.
• Work or live in Durham, Orange, or Wake counties.
• Have shared a ride, taken the bus, biked or walked to work on the day the ride is needed.
Emergency Ride Home (ERH) is available when:
• You or an immediate family member gets sick or has a severe crisis.
• Your carpool driver has to unexpectedly leave early or stay late.
• You must work unscheduled overtime.
Registering is easy, go to:
Occasional Use Parking – 12 Pass Booklets – Full Time City of Raleigh Employees
The Occasional Parking Program was introduced as an effort to and from downtown Raleigh. This program provides commuters with an easy, low-cost option for downtown parking on occasions in which driving a personal vehicle is necessary.
City of Raleigh staff can purchase a set number of discounted parking permits for occasional use. Each twelve-pass booklet can be purchased through this program for $60 (while supplies last). Employees may purchase up to two booklets per calendar year.
You must be a full-time employee and use an alternative mode of transportation, which includes carpooling, vanpooling, transit, and bicycling 3+ days per week and currently do not hold a monthly parking pass in the RMB or Moore Square parking decks.
To purchase a booklet, go to McLaurin Parking Company during their regular business hours Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm:
McLaurin Parking Company
One Bank of America Plaza, Suite 1000 Raleigh, NC
Using Your 12 Pass Booklet: Your parking pass booklet will work the same as a standard one-day parking permit in the garage. When you pull into the garage in the morning take a ticket at the entrance gate; at the end of the day, turn in your ticket to the attendant with one of the passes from your booklet. Upon exiting the garage, the cashier will ask you to print your name and sign the pass, as well as shown your NC Driver’s License.

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