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32   Leica IIIa                             € 300    37    Leica IIf SABRE Gun Stock          € 6.000 *
             no. 343790, 1939, condition A/B       € 600 – 700     1956, condition B/A             € 10.000 – 12.000
        Body in exceptional near mint condition and in good working order,   The complete set includes a matching Leica IIf no. 613603 and the
        with chrome Elmar 3.5/5 cm no. 502898 (cond. B/A, front cap)  Telyt 5/40 cm no. 1486109 (hood), Visoflex I no. 33925 with 45°
                                                             PEGOO, SABRE gunstock with cable release — all in perfect condition.
                                                             LITERATURE James L. Lager (ed.), Leica Illustrated History, Vol.
        33  Leica 250 GG                        € 18.000 *   II, Lenses, 1994, p. 188. The “Sabre Photographic Supply Company“,
             no. 300058, 1938, condition A–   € 35.000 – 40.000  located in the state of Illinois in the USA, only produced the well
                                                             known “Sabre Stock” Leica rifle, custom-made for the screwmount
        One of the most beautiful Leica 250 GG we have ever seen, in almost   and M-series Leicas, for one year (1956 to 1957), but this was never
        new and original perfect working condition, it comes with both   officially sold by Leitz. Therefore, we can only estimate how many
        cassettes, mint Elmar 3.5/5 cm no. 462475 with caps and maker’s   of these were sold in the USA — conservative estimates ranging
        box, ESFOO everready case, with the extremely rare original maker’s   between two and three dozen. However, the “Sabre Stock”,
        box for the camera and case with matching numbers for body and   painstakingly crafted in keeping with Leitz quality standards, was not
        lens, camera and lens were both delivered to London in January   only a piece of well thought-out photographic equipment for Leica
        1939 — ex Jim Jannard collection                     cameras, but is also a joy to behold for any lover of high precision
                                                             products. The use of high-quality materials as well as great accuracy
                                                             and precision in its making led to a handy Leica rifle, sure to fascinate
        34  Leitz Leica 250                       € 5.000    any Leica fan to this day.
             Motordrive Drawing
             1941, condition B                € 10.000 – 12.000  38  Leitz Prototype                   € 16.000
        Original construction drawing, 3:1 scale (life-size, 83 × 60 cm) of      Halfframe Camera
        the famous Leica 250 Motordrive MOOEV (Autom. Aufzugswerk für      c. 1948, condition B    € 30.000 – 35.000
        10 m Kamera Z1), dated March, 31  1941, unique and historical
        document. Framed                                     Unique small size camera made by Leitz engineers with internally
                                                             mounted Compur-type leaf shutter, 80-exposure counter dial, front
                                                             mounted shutter speed dial, half-frame viewfinder, red painted
        35  Leica IIId                           € 4.000 *   vulcanite, baseplate engraved ‘Helmut Schäfer Wetzlar’, modified
             no. 360045, 1941, condition A/B   € 8.000 – 10.000  Elmar 3.5/3.5 cm no. 643423 — ex Christie’s auction July 1989 (the
                                                             catalogue shows a photographer using this camera c. 1948), the
        Very rare war-time camera in 100 % original, almost new and perfect   camera is also on the cover of the LHSA Viewfinder magazine Vol. 22
        working condition, with Elmar 3.5/5 cm no. 432743. The camera   No. 4 1989
        (LAQOO) was delivered on June 11 , 1941 to Bln. 25587. Literature
        James L. Lager (ed.), Leica Illustrated History, Vol. I, 1993, p. 62.
        During the hectic war years, a mere 427 units of the Leica IIId were   39  Leica IIIg             € 500
        produced. It is the first Leica model with built-in self-timer, a tech-  no. 850804, 1956, condition B/A   € 1.000 – 1.200
        nical feature which would later become a standard for many Leica
        models to follow. The offered camera is from the first series, the 45    In excellent condition and good working order, with Elmar 2.8/5 cm
        Leica produced with a die-cast shutter crate. It is the best IIId we   no. 1626493 (clean optics)
        have ever seen — ex Jim Jannard collection

        36  Leitz Oberfl.-Messgerät               € 5.000
             no. 411339, c. 1946, condition A/B   € 10.000 – 12.000
        Leitz special scientific camera body, used for Leitz/Forster Ober-
        flächenmessgerät, a surface measuring instrument. Film was wound
        through the camera at opened shutter, while light from the ‘Ober-
        flächenmessgerät’ projected a magnified image of a mechanically
        crafted surface in order to show an enlarged “curve” of the surface
        irregulations horizontally on the film, extremely rare camera in near
        mint condition, with special lens (translucent angle mirror in the front
        of the lens broken), and very hard to find original electric motor

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