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Leica M Cameras
50 Elmar 4/9 cm black / chrome € 200 53 Leica M3 Prototype € 160.000
no. 413399, 1937, condition A € 400 – 500 no. 0040, c. 1952, condition A– € 300.000 – 400.000
In beautiful, mint condition, good optics, with black paint front Extremely rare M3 prototype (pre-series, produced as test camera
cap and rear cap, red maker’s box ‘Elangkup’, hard to find in this in 1952/53). The camera is in almost mint original and perfect
condition working condition, with all original features including film advance
lever, external frame counter, early speed dial, shape of self timer,
backdoor with film marker punch and ceramic pressure plate, shutter
51 Elmar 6.3/10.5 cm Prototype € 28.000 release and rewind knob (see Lager I, p.173 –175). With rare dual-
c. 1931, condition B/A € 50.000 – 60.000 lever prototype Summicron 2/5 cm no. 920290 in perfect condition.
Rare opportunity to acquire one of the most important cameras in
Famous un-coupled prototype of the ‘Mountain Elmar’, in all-black Leica’s history in fantastic condition, the camera was never offered in
finish, illustrated in in P. H. van Hasbroeck ‘Leica in Colour’ page 132 auction before. The camera is illustrated in Paul-Henry van Hasbroeck
and in ‘A History illustrating every Model and Accessory’ page 219 — ‘Leica in Colour’ p.64 + ‘Leica A History illustrating every Model and
ex Kisselbach collection Accessory’ colour plate XXVI
52 Elmar 4.5/135 mm € 500
non-standard (various)
c. 1930, condition B+ € 1.000 – 1.200
Four Elmar 4.5/135 mm lenses with uncoupled non-standard screw
mount, all in fine condition: nos. 588 focusing mount later), 690, 844,
879 — these are the last three numbers of the matching non-standard
I Mod.C camera bodies