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                                                                  TEACHING + IDEAS+ INNOVATION + HUMOR

                                                                 04 TEACHING
                                                                      How to help students after a traumatic event.

                                                                 05   The effects of the excessive teacher
                                                                      responsibilities are preventing them from
                                                                      building bonds with their students.

                                                                 09 CLASSROOM IDEAS

                                                                      Innovative and flexible seating options for
                                                                      today's classroom arrangement.

         05         TEACHER BURNOUT                               17  NEW RELEASE!

                                                                    TEACHER MISERY: HELICOPTER
                                                                            PARENTS, SPECIAL
                                                                       SNOWFLAKES, AND OTHER

                                                                  19 HUMOR

                                                                      Funny comic strips to make it through

         13                           15                         23 TEACHERS' CONFESSIONS
                                                                      The most honest teachers' confessions.
                                                                      Teachers open up about their experiences and
                                                                      funny moments from the classrooms.
        I TEACH, I SELL: THE        MINDFULNESS FOR                                                                  02
        RISE OF                     TEACHERS
                                    For maintaining energy to
        New roles for teacher       improving performance;                     619 CEDAR LANE , WEST
                                                                               PALMER, NY 07093
        leaders allow exta money    discover what mindfulness                  +1-303-777-0202
        creating e-tech products    can do for you                                                                     NOVEMBER 2019 | ISSUE 05
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