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          COPING WITH

          TRAUMA: HOW

          CAN TEACHERS



          AFTER TRAGIC


        By Estefanía Blanco

              According to the statistics, school teachers are required to help one or more students to deal
              with a traumatic event at least once in their career.

              Trauma has been defined by the Center for Treatment of Anxiety and Mood Disorders as “a
              psychological, emotional response to an event or an experience that is deeply distressing or
              disturbing.  When  loosely  applied,  this  trauma  definition  can  refer  to  something  upsetting,
              such as being involved in an accident, having an illness or injury, losing a loved one, or going
              through a divorce. However, it can also encompass the far extreme and include experiences
              that are severely damaging, such as rape or torture”. No matter what the origin of the trauma
              is or what form it takes, after a bad incident students usually trust those who remain next to
              them, that is, family and school community.

              Aware of the important role they play, school communities know well the plan they have to
              follow  to  accompany  those  students  through  their  recovery,  both  mental  and  physical.
              Children usually see the school as an escape valve, a place where they can spend most of
              their day feeling safe and not alone. Here, routine should also be taken into consideration, as
              it helps children go back to normal. Moreover, educators are seen as supportive, caring and
              sensitive individuals who are always willing to help.
              When dealing with traumatic events, schools are not alone. Nowadays, they usually work in
    NOVEMBER 2019 | ISSUE 05  and  support.  High-school  teacher  Sara  Rodriguez  says:  “When  tragedy  touches  a  student,
              collaboration  with  institutions  and  professionals  from  the  field  of  psychology  who  provide
              them with guidelines on how to help students in those situations where they need their help

              nothing learned in the teaching faculty can be applied. As we are dealing with people, each
              students  reacts  differently.  In  those  cases,  we  need  to  forget  our  lesson  plans.  We  are
              educating people; and our students’ well-being is much more important than knowing how to
              spell correctly. We need to get closer to them, ask them how they are doing and let them
              express  everything  they  need  to.  Ask  them  questions  so  that  they  can  give  vent  to  their
              feelings, but do not be too pushy. They will talk whenever they feel ready for it. It is their time
              to grieve, remember, forgive, question and recover.”
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