Page 14 - Transporter Talk 146 - May/June 2017
P. 14

Transporter Talk No 146
NEW DISCOUNTS Available To Club Members
Vehicle GPS Tracking Service
Skytag are now the largest independent stolen vehicle recovery company in the UK, providing state of the art location equipment to recover your property quickly and e ciently. With an outstanding recovery record and an 11 minute fastest record, they are proud to o er a service second to none, with unique features like monthly operation checks and direct police access to live location information.
The Skytag device is a very small covert unit designed to be hidden in a vehicle, self installation enhances the covert nature of the product as everyone will put it somewhere di erent, making it virtually impossible to  nd, this also reduces costs and makes the unit easily transferable from vehicle to vehicle with no extra charges.
The device is smaller than a computer mouse and contains a GPS chip that can pin-point its location on the planet to within 5 metres. The device also contains a module that communicates this position to us via the GPRS data network. So we know exactly where your vehicle is in the event of a theft. Our latest unit comes with worldwide cover. The device also has an inbuilt backup battery that lasts 3 days should the vehicle battery be disconnected
alerting us and yourself by email. We can also tell when the vehicle battery is running low, ensuring continuous operation.
Visit to  nd out more.
Normal Retail Package:
Skytag “Bundle” pack, £254.99 includes device, 3 months subscription, activation and vat.
Monthly subscription £6.99/month or £10.99/ month for optional upgrade intelligent movement alert packages.
Skytag are pleased to o er a discount to VWT2OC Members, making the unit only £125. In addition to the discount, members will also be upgraded to the Nightsafe or Leisuresafe service for free for the  rst 3 months of the subscription.
Members can take up the o er by giving the sales team a call on 08453 886062 and mentioning the club, or using the discount code “VWT2” in the checkout area on the website at www. (all major cards accepted)
LeisureSafe is an optional upgrade to your standard Skytag Locate cover providing protection for your vehicle during the most vulnerable times. Designed for leisure vehicles that are used 2-3 times a week, “LeisureSafe” is fully automatic with no requirement to remember to turn on and o . A bespoke zone is created around your home address or where the vehicle is normally stored. If the vehicle moves out of this zone during the protected hours an alert is sent to your mobile phone, your landline, text and email.
NightSafe is designed for everyday use vehicles where you need protection during the vulnerable dark hours. Using a zone similar to “LeisureSafe” the system only alerts for vehicles leaving the “home Zone” between midnight and 5:00am. Coming home late or leaving very early?

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