Page 3 - Patient Follow Up Guide
P. 3

communication of possible

                                                                               relapse allows your Doctor and
 Salience Follow Up Program                                                    treatment team to intervene

                                                                               more quickly before symptoms
                                                                               become severe. We have a

                                                                               complementary program which
                                                                               will allow our team to help

                                                                               monitor for possible signs of

                              Now that you                                     relapse. A member of our team

                              have successfully                                will follow up with you at 3, 6,
                                                                               and 12 months post treatment
                              completed your TMS                               via a phone call or email to

                              treatment course has                             check in on your clinical status.

                              ended                                               We have attached a PHQ9

                                                                               and self-monitoring workbook
                                 We want to congratulate                       on the next page, allowing

                              you on completing your                           you to monitor your own

                              prescription of TMS                              symptoms.  When it comes to
                              Treatment! We know how                           changes in mood and behavior,

                              difficult this journey can be                    listen to the observations of
                              and we strive to best serve                      those who are closest to you.

                              you. We want to commend you
                              on your dedication to your well                     Anyone can have a bad day,

                              being and determination to                       but if these symptoms become

                              improve your health.                             consistent, over a week,
                                                                               or you recognize the early

                                 Please feel free to reach out                 symptoms of your depression
                              to us for any ongoing needs                      returning, please contact your

                              you may have.                                    doctor as well as your Patient
                                                                               Advocate. Your physician

                                 It is important to watch                      will likely continue to monitor

                              out for any signs of returning                   your progress through the
                              symptoms. For many people,                       use of clinical scales at each

                              depression is a recurrent                        appointment.

                              illness. Identification and
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