Page 5 - Patient Follow Up Guide
P. 5

Stay Consistent and                                                    Build on Healthy Habits

 Build on Healthy Habits                                    Sleep:
                                                               One of the best things you can do for
                                                            yourself is continue to improve your sleep

                                                            habits. Modern life is associated with many
 Consistency with Medications:                              opportunities to disrupt sleep. Maintaining

 Now that you have completed your TMS treatment             good sleep hygiene will promote a healthier
 course, you should remain consistent with prescribed       brain and body and help with the longevity

 medication in both frequency and dosage unless             of your results.
 otherwise directed by your prescribing doctor. The         Nutrition:

 results you received from TMS treatment are in part
                                                               A well balanced diet helps our bodies
 from consistency with medications. For patients            and brains perform at our highest level. We

 interested in taking less medications post-TMS, we

 recommend you work with your prescribing physician         recommend that you consider starting or
                                                            continuing to take a multivitamin unless
 at least 4 weeks after your final treatment.               your physician prohibits.

 Therapy:                                                      Remember a high quality diet includes

 Please continue to attend therapy. If you are not yet      fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, lean proteins

 seeing a therapist, it is always a great time to begin     and fish, and olive oil. We also recommend

 to work with one. Research shows that patients who         taking 1 to 2 grams of Omega-3 Fatty Acid
 utilize talk therapy have better and more sustained        (or fish oil) supplements daily.

 outcomes than those who do not.                            Exercise:

                                                               Build on your regular exercise program.
                                                            Work to engage in any exercise that in-

                                                            creases your heart rate for 20-40 minutes,

                                                            3-4 times a week with the approval of your
                                                            Primary Care Physician. A good thing to

                                                            consider is joining a local class or getting a
                                                            workout buddy.

                                                            Building on these habits can help

                                                            with the longevity of your results with
                                                            TMS Treatment. Remember to keep

                                                            your habits goals S.M.A.R.T. (Specific

                                                            Measurable Achievable Realistic and

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