Page 23 - AA 2018_11
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However, if there is no community Queensland, that will form the basis of to assure symmetric fuel loading
benefit, then the cost of operating a tender process for a long-term lease ‘This and won’t need fuel interceptor
the aerodrome is being seriously and business partner for the Mundoo systems and other fuel management
questioned. Aerodrome. statement equipment, nor fuel-resistant
Take Bruny Island Airstrip in Meanwhile, Bundaberg, Busselton- membranes.
Tasmania for example. Earlier Margaret River and Deniliquin could be There will be no need for a check
this year, Kingborough Council airports (to name a few) are scoping of water in the fuel, and therefore
sought expressions of interest from potential international air freight written by there won’t be as much fuel/water
parties that would be prepared to opportunities. being disposed of into the general
be responsible for the management Most air freight is carried in the any number environment (in the absence of a
and operation of the existing Bruny belly-hold of scheduled passenger dedicated disposal facility).
Island Airstrip. The obligation was to services, but as Wellcamp shows, there of councils The potential fire hazard associated
include the necessary upgrading of the are some niche opportunities for direct with batteries means a different
airstrip, its ongoing maintenance and international freighter services to concerning approach will be needed concerning
all future operational arrangements. regional Australian airports. firefighting and emergency response
But it was felt that none of the their ALAs.’ arrangements – around hangars/
submissions adequately dealt with Flying training aprons and movement areas.
the current airstrip shortcomings or Through the process of responding Finally, community concern
resolved Council’s existing concerns, to Qantas’s request for expressions of associated with noise will be almost
so Council decided on May 28 to interest in hosting its pilot academy entirely mitigated, and modelling will
announce its intention to close the (the first site of which has been need to consider aircraft movements
airstrip, subject to the outcomes of a announced for Toowoomba Wellcamp that don’t create noise.
four-week consultation period. This Airport – see elsewhere this issue),
statement, on Kingborough Council’s many airport operators have come to Drones
‘have your say’ web page, could be realise the opportunity before them in The prospect of securing investment
written by any number of councils terms of meeting the world’s massive from a new and innovative industry is
concerning their ALAs: “Council pilot training task, and it is likely that attractive, but the potential economic
understands the significance of this a number of world class flying training and social benefits of drone operations
decision, but the airstrip is now only providers will be attracted to establish on or near an airport of any size or
used for private purposes and the or expand facilities in Australia as a scale should be carefully weighed
expenditure of public funds cannot be result. against additional operational
justified.” The future of the airstrip is restrictions that might be imposed
still not finalised. Electric aircraft on locally-based and visiting aircraft
In time electric-powered aircraft look operators.
Encroaching development set to offer a viable alternative to For example, if an emergency
There is also increased attention being traditional avgas and avtur-burning services aircraft needed to takeoff
applied to protecting operational aircraft. But that will mean from an or land, drone operations at or near
airspace (think obstacle limitation airport planning perspective that the airport would need to stop.
surfaces and instrument flight power supplies, environmental, noise Alternatively, an aircraft, whether
procedures) from incompatible and apron design issues will need private or commercial, would not
development. This is a result of a consideration. be able to takeoff, land or conduct
concerted effort over many years by all Hangar developments and aircraft circuit training while drones were
levels of government in conjunction parking areas will need reticulated operating on or near the airport. The
with airport owners in defining power or self-contained (solar and safe coordination of these activities
their operational airspace and other batteries) charging, plus a means of would be costly and is not properly
aerodrome safeguarding measures, metering and charging for their use. contemplated within Australia’s
and ensuring development assessment This might lead to other renewable current regulatory framework.
processes consider the potential energy investments within an airport’s On the other hand, pilot-optional
impact of a proposal on an airport’s overall infrastructure development Burden or opportunity? Airport or unmanned aerial vehicles will
operations. provisions (think solar and batteries). owners around Australia increasingly be afforded priority
Aircraft parking aprons won’t are evaluating their futures. over other airspace users, for
Freight necessarily need to be (almost) level paul sadler example where they are involved in
Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport aeromedical, firefighting and other
currently has a weekly Cathay Pacific disaster relief and humanitarian
cargo service to China, originating operations, and so manned aircraft
in Sydney, while Darwin Airport operators will need to increase their
has recently announced expansion awareness of drone operations.
plans for its international freight Airport owners and operators
facilities, aligned with new passenger and the general aviation community
services to China via Donghai Airlines need to consider the threats and
and a proposed partnership with a opportunities emerging from the
Chinese-based logistics company. drone industry and find ways to
Cassowary Coast Council has cooperate with the explorers of this
requested expressions of interest in the exciting new aviation frontier.
development of a Northern Australia
Aviation Logistics Hub at the Mundoo Keith Tonkin is managing director and principal
Aerodrome site at Innisfail, Far North consultant of Aviation Projects.
NOVEMBER 2018 23