Page 26 - AA 2018_11
P. 26


          “There was a dedicated checklist
        of competencies,” he added.
          “At the end of that the Aviation
        Brigade Commander and the
        Amphibious Task Group Commander
        report back that, ‘yes, they have met
        all their competencies’, and we certify
        that as an operational capability.”
          The joint operations certification
        comes after both the MRH 90 and the
        new CH-47F ‘Foxtrot’ Chinook of the
        Townsville-based 5 Aviation Regiment
        completed their own series of first of
        class flight trials (FOCFT) which studies
        each aircraft type’s flight envelope when
        operating around the ship in various
        wind conditions and sea states.
          “The MRH-90 is our primary
        platform for the amphib ships,”                                                      “We have already fitted in some
        MAJGEN McLachlan said.                                                             deck landings and handling. It has a
          “MRH has now been successfully                                                   high centre of gravity and a narrow
        integrated, and we’ve been operating                                               undercarriage, so there are specific
        off all the spots on the ship now for                                              techniques required to manage it on
        nearly two years.                                                                  the deck of a moving ship. But we
          “After first of class it’s then a                                                haven’t done the underway stuff yet.
        process of learning how to operate                                                   “Tiger has been in the pipeline
        aircraft from the ship,” he added.                                                 longer than MRH but, again, it is a
          “How many maintainers do we                                                      complex helicopter,” he added. “There
        embark? What spares do we need?                                                    are still commentators out there who
        The information systems needed                                                     fixate on the journey – I’m not going
        to record maintenance, data, the                                                   to apologise for the journey but, I
        movement of ships, refuelling etc.”                                                can say that right now, we’re the
          After the successful integration of   each other. So I find it really pleasing     Top – The Tiger ARH has yet   best operators of these aircraft in the
        the MRH-90, the same activity needed   that achievement on that joint   to conduct underway flight   world.
        to be conducted for Chinook, and how   capability is more advanced than we   operations from the Navy’s   “It is still more difficult to maintain
        that aircraft interacts with the MRH.   anticipated.”           LHDs. Above – LHD HMAS   than we would like, but it is now
          “So now you’ve got two platforms,”   MAJGEN McLachlan is very   Adelaide with an MRH-90 on its   generating a world-class output as
        MAJGEN McLachlan continued.    enthusiastic about the progress the   flightdeck. defence  well. The broad history is what it is,
          “You have to have two sets of spares   MRH-90 in particular has made in          but we are pretty good at operating
        and maintainers, and we need to work   recent years.                               these things now and that’s really
        out how to move the two aircraft types   “I think there is still a perception      pleasing. What we’re achieving is the
        around the deck and down the lift, and   about these helicopters being             equal of AH-64E ‘Echo’ and Tiger
        so on. So the workup process has been,   problematic,” he said. “And I’m not       elsewhere, we’re achieving very similar
        as you would expect, quite thorough   going to pretend their generation            availability and very similar levels of
        and detailed.                  hasn’t been problematic.                            capability.”
          “At the end of that we do a    “But MRH-90 is turning into a                       There has also been some reported
        combined tactical mission,” he added.   magnificent helicopter,” he added.         electro-magnetic interference between
          “Two different types of aircraft   “I think it is truly world-class, and         Tiger and the complex electronic
        coming together, command and control,   our rate of effort achievement is now      equipment aboard the ships, although
        some slinging loads, some carrying   such that we’re leading the world.            MAJGEN McLachlan is confident
        personnel. So, it’s really making sure   In fact, in almost every case the time    these can be overcome.
        you build that ‘Lego wall’ of capability in   the pilots have behind the stick is at   “There is a technical component to
        good order, confirming that you’ve got   the leading edge for most complex         all of these evaluations,” he said.
        each piece in place, and then adding the   helicopters in the world.”                “We need to make sure there are
        next level of complexity.        While Exercise Hamel was the first                no mission issues – we don’t just want
          “It’s been great cooperation   opportunity to provide realistic tactical         to stick it on there and hope for the
        between Navy and Army,” MAJGEN   conditions to fully test the combined   ‘We need to   best. Adding an armed helicopter
        McLachlan said. “What’s particularly   MRH-90 and CH-47F operations                obviously is another jump forward,
        pleasing is our young people are now   from the LHDs, these were also   make sure   but we already have some of those
        just getting on with it and working   integrated with land-based Tiger ARH         competencies with Romeo and other
        together – this ‘jointery’ is becoming   helicopters for integrated aviation   there are   armed aircraft. It’s all doable, but it is
        really quite powerful.         battle group operations. The next step              a process we have to go through in a
          “I think that is for a whole range   for Tiger is to integrate it with the   no mission   deliberate manner.
        of reasons, a lot of them have been   LHDs as well.                                  “I would hope, by Talisman
        together on operations overseas, and   “Tiger will be the focus of our next   issues.’   Saber 2019, to have all three aircraft
        a lot of the leaders have come through   round of integration over the next 12     types operating off the LHDs as a
        the ADFA generation, so they know   months,” MAJGEN McLachlan said.   MAJGEN GUS MCLACHLAN  confirmation of the capability.”

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