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          Diamond DA40, Diamond DA20        The Wellcamp Qantas Pilot   training program with L3.  market right now for more than 100
          Katana, Cessna 172 Skyhawk, Slingsby   Academy would be modelled   As for the Wellcamp site, Alan   new aircraft.
          Firefly, Piper PA-44 Seminole and   on the L3 Aviation facility at   Rowlandson, L3 Commercial   “That has been answered by the
          Cirrus SR20 aircraft. It provides   Hamilton. qantas  Aviation’s regional business   five main manufacturers. That was
          commercial aviation with a full                     development manager Oceania,   in place already. We are upgrading
          spectrum of pilot training solutions:               based in Sydney, explained during   our fleets around the world. We don’t
          cadet pilot training, airline training,             the announcement ceremony at   actually know what these aircraft will
          aircrew resourcing and flight                       Toowoomba that the new Qantas   be yet. That assessment is going on
          simulation systems.                                 Academy would be modelled on its   at the moment. That’s happening as
            And it is no stranger to Qantas. As   ‘This being   facility at Hamilton, which trains   we speak. So, what we are able to do
          recently as October L3 announced it                 around 500 pilots annually.    is within these contracts make sure
          has been selected by Qantas to provide   a greenfield   “Basically, we will model our   we have aircraft available for July 1
          a Boeing 787-9 RealitySeven full                    academy on Hamilton. It will be   next year so we can just divert some of
          flight simulator, which will be used   site we      modelled on that but obviously   those aircraft to Toowoomba.”
          for training at Qantas’s flight training            improved, this being a greenfield site.   In terms of aircraft numbers for
          facility in Sydney. Selection of the   have the     We have the opportunity to get it all   Wellcamp he said because it would
          device followed a competitive tender                right.”                        be an integrated training course it
          process and complements two Dash 8   opportunity      Hamilton operates over 40 training   would start off with ground school and
          flight training devices Qantas ordered              aircraft – 14 Diamond DA20 and 19   “gradually advance in batches…that is
          from L3 earlier this year.     to get it all        Cessna 172 singles and eight Diamond   yet to be determined with Qantas but
            Further, at the Singapore Airshow                 DA42 twins – but a decision has yet   it will be something in the order of 20
          in February budget subsidiary Jetstar               to be made regarding Toowoomba.   (aircraft) to start with”. A further 20
          Asia also announced it was launching   right.’      Rowlandson said L3 actually has an   or so would then be phased in over the
          a new Jetstar Asia Airways cadet pilot   ALAN ROWLANDSON  RFP (request for proposal) out in the   following four years or so.
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