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                                                                                             is going to be training pilots for the
                                                                                             Qantas Group, Qantas, Jetstar and
                                                                                             QantasLink but we also believe there
                                                                                             is a huge opportunity worldwide. It’s a
                                                                                             business opportunity using our brand.
                                                                                             It’s a business opportunity to attract
                                                                                             people in other airlines from all over
                                                                                             the globe here to be trained and to
                                                                                             use the Qantas name to make that a
                                                                                             business proposition.”
                                                                                               Toowoomba is the first of two
                                                                                             locations chosen from a shortlist
                                                                                             of nine regional cities, with Alice
                                                                                             Springs, Bendigo, Busselton, Dubbo,
                                                                                             Launceston, Mackay, Tamworth
                                                                                             and Wagga Wagga still under
                                                                                             consideration for the second academy
                                                                                             site. Selection criteria include access
                                                                                             to uncongested airspace, a high
                                                                                             proportion of clear weather days per
                                                                                             year, access to support infrastructure
                                                                                             and ability to attract students and
                                                                                             trainers to live in the area. The second
                                                                                             academy is expected to be up and
                                                                                             running in 2020.
                                                                                               Wherever it is, the regional
                                                                                             economy can look forward to a boost.
                                                                                             Wagner Corporation director Denis
                                                                                             Wagner said that 100 direct new
                                                                                             jobs and an estimated 300 indirect
                                                                                             jobs would be created through the
                                                                                             construction phase. In the operation
                                                                                             phase another 160 jobs would come to
                                                                                             Toowoomba and the region.
                                                                                               “There are huge economic benefits
                                                                                             going forward,” said Joyce. “Current
          where Brisbane is a gateway to the     Wellcamp is an ideal site for   from Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane   estimates in the first year of operation
          rest of the world to attract those   pilot training. But what aircraft   direct to London and direct to New   is that the gross regional product will
          pilots in, to attract people into this   the Qantas Pilot Academy will   York. That will need a lot of pilots into   be $34 million. We are confident our
          location. Most importantly of all,   utilise to fly from there has yet   the future and we are getting ourselves   world-class facilities will enhance
          we know that the trainers and the   to be determined. lenn bayliss/  prepared for that demand.”   the training opportunities for our
          students want to live in a place that   qantas/ l3    But there’s a longer-term objective.   future airline pilots. This decision
          is a great place to work, a great place               “Our intention is within a few years   by the Qantas Group highlights that
          to live and a great place to study. And             to get this facility up to at least 250   when the private sector, Australia’s
          Toowoomba is that.”                                 pilots and within a few years to have a   national carrier, the Queensland State
            For Qantas however, it isn’t                      second facility that can do the same…   Government and our local council
          merely a matter of having two of                    so 500 pilots. At that stage we will be   work cohesively, we can achieve a
          its own academies training at least                 selling those places or encouraging   long-term economically sustainable
          500 pilots annually for its own and                 that commercial activity for overseas   future for our regional communities”.
          Australia’s needs. It is clearly an                 pilots. That’s when we should be   That message was echoed by
          enormous business opportunity. The                  making a return out of it. We do   Queensland Premier Annastacia
          statistics for pilot requirements have              believe the prime objective here first   Palaszczuk at the Wellcamp
          been well documented with Boeing                    of all is to get this up and running for   launch. “The Q in Qantas stands for
          forecasts putting it at 790,000 pilots              Qantas and Australian pilots but it is   Queensland and it’s clear that home is
          over the next 20 years.                             a great opportunity to train overseas   where Qantas’s heart is,” she said.
            “Air travel in some regions is going              [pilots]. And as you know the Qantas   That may be so but while the
          to double,” says Joyce. “We do need                 reputation is second to none in the   Premier said everything would be
          to replace retiring pilots as well. In              selection and training of pilots.   done to try to also attract the second
          the past two years Qantas has hired                   “So, we think that is a sellable   academy to Queensland – specifically
          850 new pilots, mostly because of our               asset for Queensland, for Australia   Mackay – that would seem unlikely.
          expansion and the arrival of B787s.                 and that’s something that the country   Qantas will certainly be keen to spread
          We are looking forward to potentially               should be pretty proud of and will   some of the love around to another
          Project Sunrise allowing us to fly                  be willing to invest in. This academy   state.
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