Page 38 - AA 2018_11
P. 38
they land, and boarding passengers
arrive from either a domestic or
international departures zone.
Adelaide Airport has been an
Australian pioneer in using swing
gates, and has seen much success.
The system is now being adopted
by many other airports. However,
says the airport’s managing director
Mark Young, Adelaide will begin
dedicating space in its terminal to
the growing international market:
“Gate 18 will become a permanent
international gate and will be the
focus of the improved retail and
boarding facilities. Other international
gates will continue to utilise Adelaide
Airport’s unique swing gate system to
allow both international and domestic
“International upgrades will
include a second, longer baggage belt
for arrivals, more space for emigration
and immigration processing,
expanded security screening, a larger
duty-free precinct for arrivals and
departures, and expanded dining and
retail options,” Young says, noting that
“the expansion will also see a complete
refurbishment of retail areas, resulting
in a more than 80 per cent increase in
the overall size of the terminal’s retail
and dining precinct across domestic
and international areas.”
Non-aviation revenue at new Kennards Self Storage facility just
airports will also continue its rise in opened. We continue to receive a high
importance for those airports with level of enquiry on other development
substantial land banks and robust opportunities across the Airport Business
strategic plans. It’s not just about District particularly for land in Burbridge
figuring out where new terminals, Business Park and on our planned freight
taxiways, aprons and runways will and logistics hub at Airport East.”
go: it’s about having the confidence Even before getting to the airport,
in forward planning to enable the the trends towards self-service and
medium-term release of land so that automation will only increase, with
developers can have the confidence more opportunities for passengers to
their buildings will be able to fulfil take care of the formalities while at
their intended lifespan, beyond home, work or en route.
the relatively short-lived capital
investment of big-box retail park The Auto Mall, a project coming Automation will revolutionise the way
stores, but with the airport retaining in just underneath a cool $90 million airports operate
space to be able to build in the that will sit between the domestic Already, says Adelaide Airport’s
long term. One leader in the field is and international terminals, will be Young, there is “greater use of
Brisbane Airport. “a multi-purpose auto retailing hub automated and self-service technology
“Our current available vacant that sees flagship dealerships sitting – many people now want to book their
land bank is just over 500 hectares,” alongside exhibition and conference flight, select ancillary services, check-
explains Brisbane Airport’s Floor activities, hotels, event area, driver in, book their transport or parking,
Felten, general manager for strategic training schools and regional offices buy food and retail, check flight
planning and development. around a multi-purpose test track”, the ‘It’s about times and boarding gates, board their
“This land is intended for a airport says. flight, track their luggage and arrange
variety of uses including commercial, Meanwhile, at ADL, “Adelaide’s having the their travel to their pre-booked
industrial, retail and associated Airport Business District has accommodation all on their mobile
aviation development. BAC is significant opportunities for future confidence device.”
constantly investigating opportunities development,” says Yong. “The introduction of Smart Travel
to achieve our goal of developing with the new, state of the art pathology in forward – kiosk and automated bag drop – has
“We have had some recent success
business hubs. The BNE Auto Mall fundamentally changed the check-in
laboratory for Australian Clinical
project is an example of this key Laboratories under construction and a planning.’ experience,” Young adds.
strategy.” “In the next five years we can see