Page 42 - AA 2018_11
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tower innovations, with early trials of   trials may include mobile check-in     NATS is developing a smart   benefit of working with SITA is its
        remote tower operations in northern   and automated border processing,   digital tower prototype for   technology integrates with our existing
        Europe showing much promise. But   although the latter will be subject to   Singapore’s Changi Airport. nats  common-use infrastructure – check-in
        even at an airport the size of Singapore   governmental approval.                  kiosks and boarding gates – and can
        Changi, NATS and partner Searidge   “This is the way the world is going,”          be used by any airline that operates on
        Technologies are conducting a   says NATS’ Kiffs.                                  a common-use kiosk. As we progress
        22-month trial of smart digital towers.  “More airports and airlines across        we hope to integrate with various
          There are infrastructure     the world are now using biometric                   government systems for immigration
        requirements, however, Kiffs notes.   applications like fingerprint and facial     and border checks.”
        “NATS is also working on a remote   recognition technology to improve                Those border checks are
        digital air traffic control tower   security and efficiency. According to          increasingly automated too, with
        demonstrator that uses high-definition   SITA, 63 per cent of airports and 43      Australia and New Zealand early
        cameras powered by super-fast and   per cent of airlines plan to invest in         entrants into the passport check kiosk
        secure fibre connections. A smart   biometric ID management solutions in           game and still ahead of many other
        digital tower, equipped with a range of   the next three years.”                   industrialised nations.
        assistive functionalities and features,   “There’s no doubt it will create a         Brisbane Airport, says Felten,
        can actually enhance air traffic   much better passenger experience,               “is currently progressing a number
        management and safety of runway   with much shorter check-in and                   of Australian Government security
        and ground operations, and increase   boarding times as well as clearance          screening strategies aimed at
        operational efficiencies at airports   at customs and immigration, as well         enhancing the security screening
        across the world.”             as improving identity management                    process and customer experience.
                                       which is essential for effective border             These include technology upgrades
        Moving biometrics beyond passport   security.”                                     which will introduce advanced
        checks will go mainstream alongside   Young of Adelaide Airport concurs.           screening technology allowing
        consumer technology            “Biometrics for both departure and  ‘Sydney         passengers to leave larger items like
                                       arrival is already starting to improve
        It’s 2018, and every model of   the international travel experience,  Airport and   laptops and liquid aerosols and gels
        iPhone released this year uses facial                                              (LAGs) in their carry-on bags.”
        recognition software for unlocking.   with quick passport processing   Qantas are    “In addition,” Felten notes,
        Despite privacy, accuracy and   now common for most travellers.                    “passengers will be screened and
        global functionality of this kind of   Biometrics will soon change the   already   cleared by body scanners and,
        technology, it seems here to stay and   domestic travel experience, from           providing passengers divest all items
                                       dropping your bag, to buying items
        millions of people are now using it,   to boarding your flight, just with your  trialling   on their person, the scanning and
        helping to refine facial recognition and                                           clearance rates can be as fast as six
        to improve the way it works.   face or fingerprint.”          ‘couch-              seconds. The combination of these
          Indeed, Sydney Airport and     Brisbane Airport is already in                    measures by late 2020 will ensure
        Qantas are already trialling ‘couch-  the game, says Felten. “In March   to-gate’   the use of the best available screening
        to-gate’ biometrics, with an initial   2017, BNE was the first airport in          technology delivering faster, enhanced
                                       Australia to trial facial recognition
        phase testing check-in, bag drop,   technology SmartPath by SITA. A key  biometrics.’  passenger facilitation and customer
        lounge access and boarding. Future                                                 experience.”

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