Page 40 - AA 2018_11
P. 40

Future Airports

        some promise.                                         “The world of media consumption   past few years is the design and
          The complexity is that the   ‘Tension             is constantly changing,” Felten   implementation of smart digital
        speed of change in the consumer                     acknowledges.                  towers,” says Kiffs.
        electronics ecosystem is much faster   also exists    “In the era of big data, we don’t go   “From London and Hungary to
        than that in aviation. It’s still hard              online, we live online. Data gives the   Australia and Singapore, trials have
        for passengers to ensure that they   between        current and future passenger planning   begun all over the world to deploy
        navigate themselves to the correct                  insight and informed decision-making   smart digital tower technologies as a
        dropoff location for their particular   precisely   and therefore it is vital that a future   smart, safe and sustainable solution
        rental car company at many airports,                Brisbane Airport is able to respond   for not just low traffic density airports
        and it feels like there may well be a   whose       accordingly. Airports are uniquely   but also those that are regularly
        role for individual airports and trade              placed to tackle the challenges that   described as having (HIRO) high-
        associations to better understand and   passenger it   accompany a digital transformation   intensity runway operations to
        work more closely with the numerous                 and this is already evident in today’s   manage.”
        international app providers.   is.’                 passenger journey.”              The benefits: images and data
          There is a tension here between not                 Understanding how to use the   are generated by cameras, sensors,
        wanting to reinvent the wheel while                 plethora of data available already   aircraft trackers, transmitters and
        also ensuring enough control over the               and that will continue to stream from   other sources (like taxiway closure,
        data passengers see to ensure accuracy              every passenger, staff member, aircraft   runway availability, and so on), then
        and the delivery of the airport’s                   and ground vehicle will be crucial to   stitched together into a live 360°
        goals, many of which revolve around                 the future success of airports and the   picture of operations – which can then
        encouraging more retail spend.                      ecosystem that surrounds them.  be managed either on-site or, in the
          Tension also exists between                                                      future, remotely.
        precisely whose passenger it is.                    Data and digitalisation are only   “Such systems can track aircraft, as
        “Growth and advancements in digital                 starting to overhaul the way airports   well as provide situational awareness
        technology and social media use                     are run                        for controllers and other airport
        has provided a direct link between                  One key push recently has been to   stakeholders to airfield incursions and
        airports and passengers, when that                  use the early benefits of the Internet   even drones,” explains Kiffs.
        relationship was historically owned by              of Things to make more of existing   “Whether it is optimising air
        the airlines,” says Brisbane’s Felten.              infrastructure and to guide the   traffic management, delivering
          The greatest success here has been                development of the next generation.  staffing deployment efficiencies,
        when airports go to where passengers                  “With global air traffic set to double   servicing remote airports with few
        are rather than trying to get                       over the next two decades, airport   daily movements, or as a contingency
        passengers to come to them. Sydney                  operators, regulators and ANSPs have   arrangement in the event of severe
        Airport’s automated Twitter-based                   been exploring ways to cope with   weather conditions like storms
        arrivals and departures notification                this increase in demand through the   and hurricanes, moving away from
        channel, on Twitter: @flySYD,                       digitalisation of airports,” explains   the constraints of a physical tower
        allows passengers to subscribe to                   Ben Kiffs, managing director Middle   is a logical next step for aviation
        notifications for a particular flight,              East & Asia Pacific at NATS, the   authorities across the world which
        enabling what is essentially a personal             air navigation service provider that   are grappling with the challenges of
        FIDS feed with timing, gate and                     evolved from the UK’s National Air   managing the exponential surge in air
        boarding information delivered via an               Traffic Services, and which is looking   traffic.”
        app people already know how to use                  to expand within Asia Pacific.   Smaller airports, especially
        and whose notifications they already                  “One of the most exciting    those in rural and remote areas, are
        allow.                                              developments taking shape in the   particularly ripe for smart digital

          The pace of change at future airports will only accelerate

            Eleven years ago, when the   experience, such as a single   seamless and easy for all of our   unpacking bags, or removing
          first iPhone launched, few people   process for check-in, security   travellers.”  shoes or belts.”
          could have perceived the way   and border control.”      Brisbane’s Felten is also keen   Passengers automatically
          smartphones dominate our     Acknowledging that “this may   on adopting new technology   guided to their gates by their
          lives and our travel. The rate   include greater                   and reducing    personal electronic devices,
          of new technologies and their   use of biometrics                  administration,   given information that helps
          effect on the wider world will   to track your                     especially      them get where they’re going,
          only get faster and stronger, so   movements                       through facial   in shorter queues thanks to
          as Australian Aviation finished   through                          or thumbprint   improvements in scanning or
          interviewing Adelaide Airport’s   the various                      recognition. She   flow prediction technology,
          Mark Young and Brisbane    departures                              wants to “make   provided with useful and
          Airport’s Floor Felten, we asked   and arrivals                    airport processes   targeted advertising for a service
          what aspect of the airport   processes                             paperless – no   they might find helpful, while
          experience they’d change if they   including aircraft              tickets, boarding   immediately knowing how and
          could wave a magic wand.   boarding,” Young                        passes or       where they can find help – this
            Adelaide Airport’s Young   says that “the overriding aim in   passports,” and aspires towards   is the vision of the airport of the
          would love to see “a more   all of these new technologies is   “walk-through security and   future. It won’t be that long until
          streamlined international   to make the travel experience   immigration processes, with no   we get there.

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