Page 39 - AA 2018_11
P. 39
Future Airports
this going further, with your bags of navigating through an airport
being picked up from home and including virtual and augmented
dropped at your destination by a reality.”
logistics provider, eliminating the Augmented reality wayfinding
need to drop bags in the terminal. seems set to be a real winner, where
When coupled with mobile check-in, passengers can use the camera on
the check-in hall of the future may be their mobile device or direction signals
a very different place.” from their smartwatch to follow a
Indeed, a Japan-style luggage virtual path through the airport. The
delivery service would be very possibilities for airports to better serve
welcome to many passengers, but the their passengers, including first-time
infrastructure required has meant it visitors, customers from multiple
has so far been limited in rollout. language backgrounds, and passengers
So far, Young explains, “the with reduced vision or mobility
biggest impact has come from mobile impairments are truly exciting.
devices. The sheer number of mobile The direct and third-party
devices has also changed the check-in relationships between airport and
experience, with travellers checking passengers are evolving
in and downloading their boarding Yet one of the questions that hasn’t
passes at home, in the hotel or in the truly been answered is how passengers
taxi or Uber on the way to the airport.” can manage the proliferation of
Inside the terminal, says Brisbane airline and airport apps in order to ‘Augmented
Airport’s Felten, “innovation in take advantage of new technology.
technology and digitalisation at Right now, a passenger needs to reality
airports can be seen throughout download separate apps for each
the passenger journey from the While any sort of predictions about wayfinding
airline and airport they use on a trip.
ever-increasing usage of mobile app
and wearable technology – with future technology are very much seems set
passengers who want to be able to crystal ball territory, it would seem
that integration with mapping apps
access information relating to flight – Google Maps, Apple Maps, Baidu to be a real
information and booking details from
their own personal devices to the use Maps, Waze, or similar – and travel winner.’
of digital and interactive methods management apps like TripIt hold
Brisbane leads the way in providing accessibility for passengers
As populations age and older staff at BNE, ensuring they have who find it otherwise difficult terms of not only making the
passengers grow in mobility the knowledge and confidence to travel due to a lack of access airport accessible for those
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and desire to travel, while at to provide appropriate support to specialised amenities,” with higher care needs, but by
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the same time society and the and assistance to passengers says Felten. ‘Changing Places’ doing so also opens up the City
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built environment becomes and visitors who have a hidden is different from standard of Brisbane to individuals and
more accessible for people with disability.” accessible bathroom amenities, families with disabilities from
restricted mobility or other The airport also offers providing additional space other states.”
disabilities, airports too are ‘Changing Places’, a facility with and specialised equipment Part of that work is providing
changing. additional bathroom amenities for the use of people with facilities for assistance animals,
Brisbane Airport general compared with standard severe disabilities and their and Brisbane has operated
manager for strategic disabled- personal care dedicated bathrooms for them in
planning and development access providers.” the domestic and international
Floor Felten explains that the lavatories “Although terminals since 2014.
airport “collaborated with the or baby- the ‘Changing “Building Australia’s most
Department of Infrastructure changing Places’ facility accessible airport is a project
and Regional Development rooms. It is not yet a that aims to foster greater social
and AARG to develop the includes an regulatory inclusion, supporting thousands
‘Accessibility Journey Planner’, adult change requirement, of individuals living with
ensuring passengers and table, hoist, it will give disabilities and their families
visitors with assistance needs and toilet Brisbane who visit BNE, removing the
had access to a comprehensive fitted with Airport a barriers that often inhibit travel
tool that empowers them to movable handrails. world-renowned accessible and opening up Brisbane and
plan their journey through the “The opening of ‘Changing facility for those travelling with the world through accessible
airport. Conducting regular Places’ facility at Brisbane or caring for someone with a travel facilities,” Felten says.
specialised disability-focused Airport supports many severe disability,” Felten says.
training programs for front-line thousands of people with “In this respect, Brisbane
airline, volunteer and security disabilities and their families Airport is leading the way in
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