Page 21 - Bumblebee Conservation Trust Buzzword magazine winter 2020
P. 21

 Important information   Surveys roundup

 for members

                      By Darryl Cox, Senior Science and Policy Officer

                                 Winter-active bumblebees
 Notice is hereby given that the 14th
 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the   The majority of bumblebee queens are safely tucked
 Bumblebee Conservation Trust will be held   On-line auction  up in the ground hibernating by now. However,
 on Saturday 12 December 2020 online   each year we receive many reports of bumblebees
 via Zoom. As in previous years, we will be   In previous years, we have held a raffle   remaining active, particularly Buff-tailed bumblebees. If
 holding the AGM followed by a Supporters’   with some fantastic prizes. This year, we   you come across any bumblebees between November
 Day and would be delighted if you could   are holding an online auction through www.  and February, try your best to take a photo and report
 join us. There are some amazing   your sighting to the Bees Wasps and Ants Recording
 items to bid on, donated by business   Society online here:
 This year’s keynote speaker will be   supporters of the Trust. The auction will go   submit-sighting-winter-bumblebee.
 Professor Dave Goulson, founder of   ‘live’ on from 18 November to 11 December
 the Bumblebee Conservation Trust and   2020. Keep an eye on our website!
 Professor of Biology (Evolution, Behaviour   BeeWalk
 and Environment), School of Life Sciences,   Voting  The BeeWalk season for 2020 has ended and now
 University of Sussex. Professor Goulson   Voting will be conducted in advance of the   is the time to input any remaining data so that they
 will be looking back at the founding of   AGM. You will receive an email notification   can be analysed in time for the annual report next
 the Trust and providing some interesting   when online voting opens if we hold an   spring. We are especially grateful for the efforts of our
 anecdotes into his career.    email address on file for you, otherwise we   BeeWalkers during a challenging survey year. If you
 Please note that due to the virtual nature   will send you a paper copy of the voting   require assistance with entering your data, please
 of the two events, questions can only be   form by post. Please see the form for full   contact us at beewalk@bumblebeeconservation.
 submitted by email to yourquestions@  details on how to cast your vote.  org. Although   We look forward to ‘seeing you’ online on
 this email account will be monitored on   Saturday 12 December 2020!
 12th December, please submit questions   Nest survey
 in advance if at all possible, preferably   If you have any questions contact us at:  This year we ran a trial bumblebee nest survey
 by 5pm on 10th December 2020. Please   Tel: 01786 594130 or email:
 specify if your question is related to the   and have been overwhelmed with the number of
                                 responses we have received. Over 800 people have
 AGM (only members can ask questions  responded to date and we look forward to analysing
 at the AGM) or is of a general nature that   the results to see what they can tell us about
 could be answered during the Supporters’   bumblebee nesting habits across the country.
 Day meeting. We will endeavour to answer
 as many questions as possible on the day.
                                      To learn more about how
 How to book  Photos: top Buff-tailed bumblebee   you can get involved with
 Booking is essential. To book your tickets:  queen (Bombus terrestris) on   bumblebee recording, visit  mahonia, by Elizabeth Cooksey;   www.bumblebeeconservation.
      middle BeeWalk in progress; bottom
      Early bumblebee nest (Bombus    org/surveys/
 20   pratorum) by Diego Fraile.                                               21
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