Page 22 - 2021HHSHandbook2
P. 22


             For the 2020-2021 school year, because of COVID-19, the Flexible Attendance Pass (Flex Pass)
             “privilege” will be offered to 10 , 11 , and 12  grade students. A Flex Pass allows students to leave
             during their nonacademic, study hall time, not lunch. To be considered for a Flex Pass, students must have
             parent permission by signing this Final Form and have ALL Final Forms completed by student and parent.
             By granting permission, students and parents are agreeing that the student will leave the building
             during their Flex Pass time; therefore, students must have transportation to / from school.

            Once earned, a Flex Pass allows students to leave during the designated period(s) all week! Applications and
            privileges will be reviewed on a quarterly basis. The previous quarter dictates privileges for the upcoming
            quarter. Please note: The Flex Pass can be revoked by a student’s parent or principal for poor grades,
            discipline, or other concerns. Parents must communicate with their student’s principal if they are
            taking the pass away. In addition Flex Pass privileges may be suspended for repeated parking violations.

             DANCE RULES

             Student dances have become a very popular extracurricular activity at Hudson High School. The dances are
             also an integral, yet enjoyable fund- raising activity for the sponsoring school organizations, and they also
             provide students with an excellent opportunity to meet socially.
             In an effort to make these dances a positive experience for all students, the following guidelines will be
             1.  Dancing while on someone’s shoulders is prohibited. Additionally, “moshing,” “break dancing,” and
                similar styles of dancing which encourage pushing, throwing, etc. others are not permissible.
             2.  Sexually suggestive styles of dancing or “grinding” are also prohibited. The “rule of verticality”
                should be the guide! Out of respect for both dance partners and people around you, dancing
                back-to-front is prohibited. Chaperones will determine if the style of dancing is appropriate; if
                it is not, the students will be given a warning. If the students continue such style, they will be
                asked to leave the dance.
             3.  All school rules are in effect, whether the dance is on school property or not.
             4.  Once a student leaves the dance he/she is not allowed to return. No money will be refunded.
             5.  Students are expected to follow the directives from chaperones, security officers, and other school
             6.  Students’ behavior should be such as not to endanger or trouble other students.
             7.  Attendees shall be in 9 -grade or higher.
             8.  Students should come with the expectation of being checked with a breathalyzer upon entrance to the
             Those who don’t adhere to these expectations or who violate the Code of Conduct will be removed from
             the dance (without refund) and may be subject to further disciplinary action. All students should provide
             school identification upon request. Guests from outside our high school (students from other high schools)
             must be approved in advance by completing and submitting the appropriate Dance Affidavit form which
             can be attained in the main office. Additionally, guests who have graduated may only be one year removed
             from high school and no more than 20 years of age.

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