Page 26 - 2021HHSHandbook2
P. 26

enforcement. School officials will not search or otherwise tamper with PCDs in District custody unless they
            reasonably suspect that the search is required to discover evidence of a violation of the law or other school
            rules. Any search will be conducted in accordance with Policy 5771 – Search and Seizure. If multiple offenses
            occur, a student may lose his/her privilege to bring a PCD to school for a designated length of time or on a
            permanent basis.

            A person who discovers a student using a PCD, recording device, or other device with one- or two-way
            audio communication technology in violation of this policy is required to report the violation to the

            Students are personally and solely responsible for the care and security of their PCDs. The Board assumes no
            responsibility for theft, loss, or damage to, or misuse or unauthorized use of, PCDs brought onto its


             Instructions and directions for fire and tornado drills are posted in each room of the building. Students
             should be aware that setting off false fire alarms or tampering with extinguishers is considered a serious
             offense. School closing due to inclement weather or other emergencies will be announced on the
             district website and a recorded message will be sent home. Local network television stations also
             have the information. DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL.

             EXPLORER PERIOD

             For the 2020-2021 school year Explorer Period, which is a time for students to seek remediation, make up work,
             and meet with teachers, will be offered in-person and remotely on different days according to the schedule HHS
             is following (All-In, Hybrid, or Remote).

             All-In and Remote: Explorer period is offered 8-9:30am Monday and Friday

             Hybrid: Explorer period is offered 8-9:30am Thursday

             In conjunction with in-person Explorer Period, this time is allocated for staff office hours to assist students
             remotely should the need arise.  This should be coordinated with the teacher and can be conducted via zoom

             Explorer Period expectations:
                  Students are to pick a location and stay there. If a student is not assigned to a teacher, he/she can
                    go to the Commons, Media Center, or Main Gym. Students are not to be wandering the halls.
                  Students who are assigned to a teacher during Explorer Period and do not attend may be assigned
                    a Wednesday AM detention.

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