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             Participation  in  extracurricular  programs  is  an  important  aspect  of  a  student’s  total  education.  Student
             government,  clubs,  performing  groups,  service  organizations,  athletics  and  other  types  of  competition
             groups give students an opportunity to succeed in areas where they have special interest or talent. We are
             proud of the many activities offered to our students and encourage their participation. The following are
             representative of, but not exclusive to, the extracurricular activities and clubs offered to the members of our
             student body:

             Academic Challenge                                            Jazz Ensemble
             AIMS (Academically Involved Mentoring for                     Junior Leadership Hudson
             Science)                                                      Key Club
             ASL (American Sign Language) Club                             Knitting Club
             Autism Awareness Club                                         Latin Club
             Archaeology Club                                              The Log (Yearbook)
             Asian Awareness Club                                          MakerSpace
             Badminton                                                     Math Team
             Band/ Band Dancer                                             Mock Trial
             Book Club                                                     Model UN
             The Literary Compass (Art / Literature                        Mu Alpha Theta
             Publication)                                                  National Art Honor Society (NAHS)
             Business Club                                                 National Chinese Honor Society
             Chess Club                                                    National Honor Society
             Choir, Swing Chorus                                           Orchestra
             Coffee Club                                                   Our Time to Shine
             Community First Advisory                                      Pen Ohio
             Cube Club                                                     Ping Pong Club
             Desi Club                                                     Project Support
             Drama/ Thespians                                              Relay for Life Club
             Drug Free Club of America                                     Science Club / Science Olympiad
             The Explorer (Newspaper)                                      Science Fair
             FCCLA                                                         Ski Club
             Sewing Club                                                   Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica
             Fellowship of Christian Athletes                              Societe Honoraria de Francais
             Feminist Forum                                                Spanish Club
             French Club                                                   Sparkle Cheerleaders
             German Club                                                   Speech and Debate
             German National Honor Society                                 Stress Less
             Grill Club                                                    Student Advisory Council
             GSA                                                           Student Government
             History Club                                                  Sweet Sensations Cafe
             HUDDLE                                                        TEAMS
             International Club                                            Video Production Club
             Irish Club                                                    Ultimate Frisbee Club
             Israeli Culture Club                                          Video Game Club
             Italian Awareness Club                                        Weight Room
             Leadership Conference Planning Committee                      Writing Clu

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